It has long been shown that the dynamic response of both sub-systems(i.e. massless soil-foundation and flexibly supported superstructure) is stronglyfrequency-dependent, hence earthquake- dependent. Therefore, as stressed bynumerous previous studies, the study of SSI effects cannot be seen independentlyfrom the characteristics of the incoming seismic motion. To further illustrate theinterplay between the supporting soil and foundation and the induced wavefield,Mylonakis et al. (2006b) have extended the examination of the role played by soilin the collapse of the Hanshin Expressway during the 1995 earthquake (Fig. 2.48).It is shown that the combination of the substantial modification of the bedrockmotion frequency content by the underlying soil profile (apparent in Fig. 2.48) andthe altered dynamic characteristics of the superstructure (both in terms of periodelongation and enhanced fundamental mode contribution) lead to a 100% increaseof the seismic demand compared to what would have been expected using astandard ‘fixed base’ approach.Other studies (i.e. Sextos et al. 2003b) also verify that considering soil-structureinteraction while neglecting local site response, the importance of SSI may beunderestimated by a maximum factor of 2.5, compared to the case where the local(1D/2D or 3D basin site effects) had been properly incorporated in the frameworkof the SSI analysis.As a result, it can be claimed that even the most state-of-the-art computing toolsfor considering the complex stiffness and damping matrix at the foundation level,when used independently of realistic consideration of the multi-layer, damped soil
从实验的数值计算获得的最大绝对反应的比例 显示了高墩、中墩和矮墩的顶位移和顶剪切比例
使用CAST3M计算机代码,这是一种通用的有限元分析程序。各种各样的非线性元件都包含在CAST3M代码中,特别是一个损伤模型正在波尔图大学的工学部开发。有研究表明,该损伤模型适用于钢筋混凝土桥墩抗震性能分析中。由于拉伸或压缩应力的条件占降解两个独立标量损伤变量,该损伤模型是连续损伤力学对于具体的区域根据本构模型离散为三维有限元 连续大跨度桥梁结构英文文献和中文翻译(6):