The key intermediate blank shapes andinitial blank shape can be generated with the method in asequence opposite to the process sequence with many times.The optimum blank shape can also be designed according tothe formability of the stamping part.AcknowledgementWe thank Mr. Francis Liu of the UGS Company (USA) for thehelp of offering the numerical model (referenced as “Example1”).This project is supported byNationalNatural Science Foun-dation of China (No. 50575080) and National Science andTechnology support plan (No. 2006BAF01A43).referencesBatoz, J.L., Bathe, K.J., Ho, L.W., 1980. A study of three-nodetriangular plate bending elements. Int. J. Num. Method Eng.15, 1771–1812.Batoz, J.L., Hammadi, F., Zheng, C.L., et al., 2000. On the linearanalysis of plates and shells using a new sixteen dof flat shellelement. J. Comput. Struct. 78, 11–20.Guo, Y.Q., Batoz, J.L., Detraux, J.M., Duroux, P., 1990. Finiteelement procedures for strain estimations of sheet metalforming parts. Int. J. Num. Method Eng. 30, 1385–1401.Guo, Y.Q., Batoz, J.L., Naceur, H., et al., 2000. Recent developmenton the analysis and optimum design of sheet metal formingparts using a simplified inverse approach. Comput. Struct. 78,133–148.Guo, Y.Q., Gati, W., Naceur, H., Batoz, J.L., 2001. Springbackevaluation after forming simulation using the inverseapproach and incremental approach, simulation of materialsprocessing: theory, methods and applications. SwetsZeitlinger, 717–722.Jian, L., Xianghuai, D., Zhigang, L., 2002. FE inverse approach andevaluation for design of sheet metal forming progress. ChinaMech. Eng. 13, 826–829.Lee, C.H., Huh, H., 1998. Three dimensional multi-step inverseanalysis for the optimum blank design in sheet metal formingprocesses. J. Mater. Proc. Tech. 80/81, 76–82.Naceur, H., Guo, Y.Q., Batoz, J.L., Knopf-Lenoir, C., 2001.Optimization of drawbead restraining forces and drawbeaddesign in sheet metal forming process. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 43,2407–2434.Shuobeng, L., Guangqi, T., Bing, G., 2002. Stamping Manuals,second ed. China Machine Press.Yingping, G., Jun, Z., 2002. Research on place of stress and strainneutral layer in elastic plastic of plate. J. Plast. Eng. 9, 39–41.Yuqi, L., Junhua, L., 2006. Numerical constraint disposal forboundary friction in sheet metal forming. J. Mater. Proc. Tech.176, 4–7.Yuqi, L., Zhigang, L., Yakun, Y., 2004. Fast accurate prediction ofblank shape in sheet metal stamping forming. ActaMechanica Solida Sin. 17, 36–42.
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