There is a need for more rapid scanning methods for large areas. Conclusions A procedure for defect and damage assessment for FRP sandwich structures in ships has been developed that is based on defect/damage modelling, taking account of the influence on both local and global strength. It also provides a systematic approach to the process of decid-ing whether, when and how to perform a repair, and whether to take interim measures to mitigate the effect of damage. Together with a thorough evaluation of non-destructive inspection methods and repair tech-niques, the SaNDI Project has thereby provided the basis for a fully integrated defect/damage inspection, assessment and repair methodology that lends itself to both manual and computer-assisted implementation. Acknowledgements This work is part of the SaNDI (THALES JP3.23) pro-ject with participants from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and the United Kingdom. The support of the Ministries of Defence of the five participating nations is gratefully acknowledged. The work has involved a close collaboration between the participants and the contributions of the following to the work reported here is especially acknowledged: Gunnar Holm, Markku Hentinen and Perttu Jolma (VTT, Finland); Peter Bull and Andrey Shipsha (KTH, Sweden); Leif Asp and Fredrik Edgren (SICOMP AB, Sweden); Anders Lönnö and Fredrik Lindblom (FMV, Sweden); Povl Brøndsted (Risø National Laboratory, Denmark); Christian Berggreen (DTU, Denmark); Steve Lord (QinetiQ, UK); Alf E. Jensen (FiReCo AS, Nor-way); Philippe Noury (DNV, Norway). The tests on wrinkle defects were performed by final year students Veine Huth and Robert Skaar at the Technical Univer-sity of Denmark (DTU). References Berggreen, C. (2004). “Damage tolerance of debonded sandwich structures,” Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark. Bull, P.H. and Edgren, F. (2003). “Residual strength of impact damaged CFRP-foam core sandwich panels,”
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摘要本文介绍了一种方法,用于确定船舶结构的复合夹芯板的性能,生产缺陷和服务损害的影响,并决定是否,何时,何地需要更换或维修。该方法是基于对自然缺陷与损伤类型的定量模型。关键词复合材料;夹层;船舶;缺陷;损伤;修复0.引言夹层结构,用纤维增强的聚合物(玻璃钢)的外壳从一个轻量级的核心分离,已广泛应用于船体和上层建筑的高速舰艇。目前这种结构的检查和维修程序一般不基于缺陷和损坏的增长的定量描述。没有这样的方法难以建立可接受的缺陷和损伤的大小限制。源[自-751*`论/文'网·有时一些损坏不必要维修,在某些情况下,维修甚至可能会减少的结构性能超过原来的伤害。由 Sumpter et al. (1997),Elliott,Trask (2001)报导的在英国建立的单层GRP 船舶结构损伤硬化容限研究。这些已经启用的维修标准是为皇家海军的捕鱼类船只建立的。当前工作的目的是开发舰用夹心结构相似的方法。这项工作已经在欧洲的一个合作项目内进行(SaNDI)。 舰船玻璃钢夹芯板缺陷和损伤的影响英文文献和中文翻译(7):