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时间:2021-06-20 11:23来源:毕业论文
The presented on Fig. 10 results shown a displacement of 160 mm within 260 ms and in fact piston was moving all the time of control, while achieved in Fig.2 movement was twice as longer in time has re

The presented on Fig. 10 results shown a displacement of 160 mm within 260 ms and in fact piston was moving all the time of control, while achieved in Fig.2 movement was twice as longer in time has resulted in 150 mm displacement but with a greater cylinder (50 mm diameter and 800 mm length).

The observed good results were repeatable and can be ob-tained for different piston displacements however so good results (as shown on Fig. 10) were not obtained for displace-ment shorter than 70 mm. For short displacements the used neural nets were not so exact. The short piston displacements will be investigated in future.

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近来在流体气缸的电子机械构造方面的发展产生了构建相当新的自动控制装置的可能性 - 定位系统由具有伺服阀的气动缸,测量系统和基于一卡电脑[4,5,9]。这种结构可以应付传统的电伺服机构,因为它具有更好的力 - 质量比,并且比电气结构更便宜[5,9]。此外,气动系统是干净的,可以在危险的环境中操作,并有吸引力的新一代的操纵器[9]。

广泛应用具有大量存储器的快速计算芯片,使我们能够在气动定位系统中实现高级数字控制算法[4,5]。带有在线观测器[1,3]的自适应状态空间控制器的应用以及以1ms(或甚至更小)的短采样间隔操作的非常快速的比例阀导致定位系统实现定位误差低于0.1 mm,运动速度大于1.5 m / s [4,9]。这种定位气动驱动器的结构在图1中示出。 1a。还应该注意一组驱动器,其中昂贵的比例阀被两个/四个切换阀(或者工作)替换为类似PWM的控制技术[10]。然而,该解决方案增加了空气消耗,并且由于(通过PWM调制)产生的噪声在实际应用中难以接受。 气动定位系统英文文献和中文翻译(8):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_77393.html
