Artobolevsky, I.I. (1975). Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desi gn. N. Wein- stein, translator. Vols. 1 - 5. MIR Publishers: Moscow.
Erdman, A. E., ed. (1993). Modern Kinematics.’ Developments in the Last Forty Years. Wiley Series in Design Engineering, John Wiley & Sons: New York.
Wallen, R.W. (1957). “Unlocking Human Creativity.” Proc. of Fourth Conference on Mechanisms, Purdue University, pp. 2-8.
Dixon, J.R. (1995). “Knowledge Based Systems for Design.” Journal of Mechanical Des!8*. 117b(2), p. 11.
7 Suh, N. P. (1995). "Axiomatic Design of Mechanical Systems." Journal of Mechani- cal Design, 117b(2), p. 2.
8 Norton, R. L. (1996). Machine Design: An Integrated Approach. Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ.
For additional information on the history of kinematics, the following are recommended:
Artobolevsky, I. I. (1976). "Past Present and Future of the Theory of Machines and Mecha- nisms." Mechanism and Machine Theory, 11, pp. 353-361.
Brown, H. T. (1869). Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements. Brown, Coombs & Co.: New York, republished by USM Corporation, Beverly, MA., 1970.
de Jonge, A. E. R. (1942). "What Is Wrong with 'Kinematics' and 'Mechanisms'?" Mechanical Engineering, 64(April), pp. 273-278.
de Jonge, A. E. R. (\ 943). "A Brief Account of Modem Kinematics." Transactions of the ASME, pp. 663-683.
Erdman, A. E., ed. (1993). Modern Kinematics: Developments in the Last Forty Years. Wiley Series in Design Engineering, John Wiley & Sons: New York.
Ferguson, E. S. (1962). "Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt." United States National Museum Bulletin, 228(27), pp. 185-230.
Freudenstein, F. (1959). "Trends in the Kinematics of Mechanisms." Applied Mechanics Reviews, 12(9), September, pp. 587-590.
Hartenberg, R. S., and J. Denavit. (1964). Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages. McGraw-Hill: New York, pp. 1-27.
Nolle, H. (1974). "Linkage Coupler Curve Synthesis: A Historical Review - II. Developments after 1875." Mechanism and Machine Theory, 9, pp. 325 - 348.
Nolle, H. (1974). "Linkage Coupler Curve Synthesis: A Historical Review -I. Developments up to 1875." Mechanism and Machine Theory, 9, pp. 147-168. 连杆机构英文文献和中文翻译(14):