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时间:2021-08-10 21:07来源:毕业论文
Table 2 Influence of Vibration Intensity and Ventilation Level on the Size of Emitted Droplets Vibration Ventilation % Droplets Median Nebulizer Intensity Level 5.79 mm Diameter (mm) A Mini: 10 L/min

Table 2

Influence of Vibration Intensity and Ventilation Level on the Size of Emitted Droplets

Vibration Ventilation % Droplets Median

Nebulizer Intensity Level <5.79 mm Diameter (mm)

A Mini: 10 L/min 87.57 (  2.1) 3.37 (  0.18)

Maxi: 20 L/min 77.14 (  1.12) 4.74 (  0.29)

B Minimum Mini: 15 L/min Not measurable

Maxi: 30 L/min 52.32 (  0.87) 5.52 (  0.31)

Median Mini: 15 L/min 84.21 (  2.48) 3.70 (  0.17)

Maxi: 30 L/min 56.75 (  0.90) 5.34 (  0.35)

Maximum Mini: 15 L/min 78.03 (  2.1) 4.13 (  0.39)

Maxi: 30 L/min 54.83 (  0.89) 5.43 (  0.37)

C 4 V1/2: 25 L/min 86.89 (  2.51) 1.64 (  0.65)

V1: 50 L/min 35.02 (  2.5) 9.13 (  0.7)

5 V1/2: 25 L/min 82.47 (  1.72) 1.66 (  0.12)

V1: 50 L/min 38.85 (  2.88) 9.18 (  0.74)

6 V1/2: 25 L/min 84.70 (  1.53) 1.66 (  0.05)

V1: 50 L/min 36.68 (  0.89) 9.97 (  0.31)

    Each result is the mean ( SE) of three experiments.

Table 4 presents the influence of the vibration frequency of the transducer on the size of emitted droplets. To limit the influence of ventilation, we compared the nearest ventilation levels. An increase in ventilation increased the size of emitted droplets. Now, if we compare the 1.5- and 2.4-MHz 超声雾化器英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_79996.html
