at 16,000g for 3 min at 4°C. A portion of the supernatant (10 µL) was mixed
with glucose (HK) 20 reagent (1.0 mL) and incubated at room temperature
for 5 min. Standard solutions of anhydrous D-glucose containing 1–5 g of
glucose/L of distilled water were prepared. Ten microliters of each of the
standard solutions was mixed with glucose (HK) 20 reagent (1.0 mL) and
incubated at room temperature for 5 min. A blank (deionized water) (10 µL)
was incubated with the reagent and used for zero adjustment of the spec-
trophotometer. After 5 min, the absorbance was measured at 340 nm using
a Beckman DU 640 spectrophotometer, and the glucose content in the
sample was computed by least squares linear regression using a standard
Results and Discussion
Our previous biofilm reactor studies suggested that basal medium
(1 g/L of yeast extract + 60 g/L of glucose) was a poor nutrient medium
and did not promote good solventogenesis (5). The reactor fed with this
medium produced 3.75 g/L of total solvents compared with 11.90 g/L
using P2 medium. This indicated that P2 or CSL medium may be required
in this reactor design in order to produce solvents. As a result of those
studies, the following studies were performed using P2 or CSL medium.摘要:玉米浆(CSL),是玉米湿磨过程中的副产品,常用于固定的连续细胞生物膜反应器中取代昂贵的P2介质成分。在本对照实验中,用CSL对生产总量为6.29 g / L的丙酮-丁醇-乙醇(ABE)与6.86g / L的ABE的效果进行比较。这些研究是在稀释率为0.32 h-1的环境下进行。CSL实验控制的生产能力分别为2.19和2.01g /(L•H)。虽然使用的CSL会导致生产率下降10%,但与P2介质相比,它有着很好的经济优势。因此,CSL可用于取代P2介质。据实验表明,进料夹杂丁酸是有利于丁醇的发酵速度。控制实验中产生4.77g / L的总ABE和辅以丁酸钠的实验产生5.70g / L的总ABE相比较,丁醇的浓度从3.14g / L提高到4.04 g / L。
关键词:固定化细胞生物反应器;丁醇;玉米浆;Beijerinckii BA101;醋酸钠
1 引言
使用连续的固定化细胞生物膜反应器消除了停机时间,因此有了优良的反应器生产率。吸附细胞连续生物膜反应器已被证明是有利于工艺的经济性。这些反应器的应用降低了资本和运营成本,从而使过程更简单。在这些反应器中,通过被细胞固定化吸附,与其他技术如卡压和共价键相比,这是一个简单的技术。吸附是一种简单的技术,可以在反应器内进行,而包封和共价键的化学品则在复杂的技术的情况下使用,并要求有键形成的化学品。厌氧系统中,如生产正丁醇,在反应器内厌氧条件就可以进行吸附作用。吸附的一个附加的优点是:细胞形成均匀的生物膜围绕支撑层,与包封和共价键合的细胞相比减少了扩散阻力。因此,这些反应器被称为生物膜反应器。由于扩散阻力降低会提高反应速率。出于这个原因,吸附被选择作为要被用来生产丁醇梭菌Beijerinckii BA101细胞固定化的技术。除了简单,它有可能可以在大型反应器中使用。在本研究中,粘土砖选择作为细胞吸附支持。它可在较低的成本。而且使用后很容易处理。 丁醇高产率连续生物膜反应器英文文献和翻译(4):