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时间:2017-06-10 21:36来源:毕业论文

Title : Installation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions
–    Digital EL Positioner  ( 1 )
     Page.       Section.
         1      1. Contents.
         2      2. Installation.
                2.0 Introduction.
                2.1 Direct Mounting Units onto Kinetrol Positioner Actuators.
                2.2 Mounting of Discrete Positioners.
                2.3 Air and Electrical Connections.
         4      3. Schematic Functional Diagram.
         5      4. Set Up.
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Setting Travel Speed.
                4.2 Setting Optional Limit Switch Cams.
                4.3 Overview – Electronic Settings.
                4.4 Default Settings and Reset Procedure.
                4.5 Entering and Leaving Setup Mode.
                4.6 Automatic Endstop Finding Procedure.2. INSTALLATION
2.0 Introduction ,10086
       Positioners can be supplied direct-mounted, or ready to be direct-mounted, onto Kinetrol rotary actuators, or in stand- alone (discrete) form for fitting via a mount kit to any 90 degree rotary actuator. If the positioner is supplied ready mounted
on an actuator, sections 2.1 and 2.2 can be bypassed. Positioner-type Kinetrol actuators (ready for direct mounting of positioners) are available in models 03 to 14 inclusive.
       These instructions cover the possible use of both metal and moulded feedback coupling. It is expected that most units will contain a moulded coupling.
2.1 Mounting of Direct Mounting Units onto Kinetrol Positioner-Type Actuators
2.1.1 Move actuator vane to mid travel position, with its output square as shown in Figure 1. This is essential to prevent subsequent error in orienting positioner square.
2.1.2 Remove positioner cover, and undo the five M4 slot-headed screws holding the red plastic carrier plate into the body.
Disconnect the two wires to the servo valve, and lift out the whole carrier plate assembly complete with shaft and circuit etc.
2.1.3 Bolt the positioner body to the actuator in the orientation shown in Figure 1, taking care that O-rings are in place to seal the ports into the actuator, and that the actuator shaft is centred in its hole.
2.1.4 (a) Metal coupling versions on 07 and larger models: fit anti-backlash spring over one corner of the actuator square as  shown in Figure 2.
    (b) Moulded coupling versions: on all direct mount versions, loosen central screw in coupling shaft so that the collet is  not closed, and fit coupling over shaft square.
2.1.5 Observe the range of motion available to the positioner shaft, limited by the correct running of the potentiometer quadrant wheel, driven by the stainless steel strap (see Figure 3). Fit the carrier plate/shaft assembly back into the positioner box with the shaft near mid-range, “feeling” the female square in the positioner shaft onto the male actuator square while maintaining its position near mid range. It is essential that the two shafts are correctly oriented relative to each other, since if they are 90 degrees out, the quadrant wheel can be forced too far and damage done to the drive mechanism during subsequent actuator movements. It is possible to fit the positioner correctly with the actuator square at one end of its travel, but experience indicates a high probability of mistaking the direction of movement of the actuator – hence it is strongly advised that the positioner be fitted with the actuator square at the mid-travel position, where there is no ambiguity possible. 数字EL定位器英文文献和中文翻译:http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_9025.html