关键词 儿童福利院 感恩意识 感恩教育 教养方式
Title The Relationship research between the educational pattern of children's welfare homes and the lack of children's gratitude consciousness
With the highly development of the economic of our country,it brings the development of the material life,.children's welfare homes provide the material conditions to children also got a lot of ascension. The children's welfare homes in the developed areas on the material life and even has been achieved in the conditions of the average family's children growing up. Welfare homes children's psychological needs and problems are diffcult to solve, and this phenomenon has become more serious. So the children's welfare homes urgently needs to change in the management mode.In the past the type of making-up education mode, conservationists to children's dedication as for granted, so the institution of the education of children of gratitude consciousness has become a top priority. The purpose of this paper is to study welfare officials upbringing and whether there is a connection between children's lack of gratitude consciousness. Conservationists gentle patience, good at communication, and fulling of gratitude, whether the way of the cultivation of the gratitude consciousness have favorable effect for children.
Keywords Children's welfare homes gratitude consciousness gratitude education educational pattern
目 次
1 引言1
2 文献回顾2
2.1 相关概念 2
2.2 相关研究现状 4
2.3 总结6
3 研究设计 7
3.1 研究地点概况7
3.2 研究依据7
3.3 研究目的10
3.4 研究假设10
3.5 研究方法及工具 10
4 调查数据分析 12
4.1 同事关系与儿童感恩意识12
4.2 沟通程度、沟通模式与儿童体谅行为13
4.3 感恩意识教养与儿童感恩行为13
4.4 心理需求关注度与不合理要求提出频率14
5 结论与不足15
致谢 18
附录A 调查问卷21
1 引言
儿童的感恩意识一直是儿童教育的重要部分,感恩意识对儿童的成长,情感模式、思文习惯、行为方式都有着重要的影响。而福利院儿童作为特殊的群体,在教养他们的时候,我们往往因为对其的怜悯,过度的补偿心理,而忽略了对他们的感恩教育,造成他们在成长的过程中,容易形成以自我为中心的思文模式,对社会,对人们没有感恩意识的福利院儿童,也容易形成一种悲观情绪,一旦心理和物质上的需求得不到满足,便会产生不愉快的心理,乃至憎恶的情绪。面对保育员的关爱,社会各界的同情都会产生冷漠,甚至形成这是自己应得补偿的想法。2012年7月至8月,在南京儿童福利院高淳分院的实习生活中,更加感受到了在物质飞速发展的中国,当福利院儿童的物质需求得到基本满足之后,孩子的感恩意识对其自身发展的重要性。不同的教养方式对这些福利院儿童的感恩意识有着不同的影响,保育员、福利院老师,管理者,乃至福利院环境、社会氛围都会对福利院儿童感恩意识的培养产生关系。本文旨在研究这些因素与儿童感恩意识的缺失之间是否存在关系,希望能帮助当代福利院更好的教养儿童。 福利院教养方式与儿童感恩意识缺失的关系研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_13229.html