关键词:库存融资运作模式 供应链 风险分析
Title Inventory financing operational mode and risk analysis
With the rapid development of the market in recent years , inventory financing has a significant impact on the logistics sector . Inventory financing is like a bridge connecting logistics, production companies and banks all business activities. After exploring the literature and examples of the article , detailing when the business is cash-strapped , and long term account receivables and excess inventory restricted liquidity dilemma is how to come out of inventory financing operation . In terms of risk analysis inventory financing , financing risk on the study of theory , Basel II , respectively, from a detailed analysis of the credit , legal aspects , and made recommendations countermeasures for risk identification, assessment, and control . The most critical part of this is the practice of inventory financing applications that combine development Junyi pneumatic parts factory in cooperation with Rygge generated corporate funding requirements on financing options taken as security for loans and receivables factoring financing to clarify the implementation of the program to bring economic benefits.
Key words:Inventory financing operational mode Supply Chain Risk Analysis
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究现状 2
1.4 研究内容与结构 3
2 库存融资运作模式 4
2.1 库存融资需求 4
2.2 库存融资机构 5
2.3库存融资运作 5
3 库存融资风险分析与控制 8
3.1风险分析 8
3.2风险控制 10
4 库存融资实践应用 12
4.1钧益气动配件厂的发展 12
4.2企业资金需求的产生 12
4.3融资方案 13
4.4风险控制 16
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
相关报告调查显示,在我国相当一部分中小企业长期处于现金流压力中。 《亚洲商业监察》指出,一般而言,对中小企业来说,有效抵押物的匮乏极大提高了进入银行放贷门槛的难度。相关报告显示,国内中小企业存在大量因缺乏有效担保措施被搁置的存款应收款。在2005年,其总额接近11万亿元。
在产业经济发达的今天,其发展重点正进行着从企业竞争向供应链竞争的转变。为保证供应链正常运作,在各环节中必须保证资金链的连续,中小企业的融资困境毫无疑问严重制约其健康发展。 库存融资的运作模式与风险分析 :http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_17105.html