毕业论文关键词:企业社会责任 责任意识 政府监督 公共治理
Analysis of corporate social responsibility from the perspective of Public Governance
Abstract:In recent years, corporate social responsibility loss caused by accidents, the government and the society from all walks of life began to realize that the enterprise must undertake corresponding social responsibility, to promote sound and rapid economic development of socialism in our country.To achieve the goal of corporate social responsibility is the enterprise, government, market, society, coordinate with each other, and jointly promote the results, not the government party uses the means of functions or is the result of the market itself. From the perspectives of market, ecology, workers and consumers lack of corporate social responsibility, and through from the perspective of enterprise, government, market, society, this paper analyzes the reasons of lack of corporate responsibility, for the reason, from the perspective of public governance is put forward to realize the path of the corporate social responsibility.
Key Words:Corporate social responsibility ,Responsibility consciousness,The government supervision,Public governance
一、企业社会责任缺失造成的影响 - 2 -
(一)市场竞争秩序混乱 - 2 -
(二)生态环境遭到破坏 - 2 -
(三)消费者权益受到侵害 - 2 -
(四)劳动者合法权益得不到保障 - 2 -
二、我国企业社会责任缺失诸多原因分析 - 3 -
(一)企业自身社会责任意识缺失 - 3 -
(二)政府监督职能缺失 - 3 -
(三)市场的无序竞争 - 4 -
(四)社会各界约束力不足 - 4 -
三、公共治理视角下企业社会责任的实现路径 - 5 -
(一)企业积极主动培养社会责任意识 - 5 -
(二)政府发挥对于企业社会责任建设的职能作用 - 7 -
(三)社会各界加强对于企业履行社会责任的监督作用 - 9 -
四、结语 - 10 -
参考文献 - 11 -
致 谢 - 12 -
企业社会责任的缺失使得企业在生产的过程中,忽视对于生态环境的保护,滥排滥放污染物,肆意破坏当地的生态环境。目前世界上的发达国家已经意识到企业生产活动对于生态环境的影响,并开始向我国转移一些污染比较严重的产业。虽然相比以往转移的劳动力密集型产业有所进步,但在生态环境上污染却比以往更加严重,企业应当对于污染的控制更加严格。但由于企业社会责任的缺失,企业一追求经济效益,不顾企业社会责任,造成生态环境的破坏。 公共治理视角下企业的社会责任分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_27598.html