毕业论文关键词:乡村旅游 吴中区 SWOT分析 发展对策
Suzhou Rural Tourism Development Situation and Countermeasure Analysis- in Wuzhong District
Abstract: The local development of rural tourism will generate certain economic , environmental and cultural effects , can become a driving force of the rural economy at home and abroad a large power source . Therefore, under the premise of sustainable development rational development of rural tourism attractions , can promote local economic and cultural prosperity , improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the local . Study cases of Wuzhong District Rural Tourism SWOT Analysis Table Based on Wuzhong rural tourism attractions of field trips , the status quo analysis. Found on the tourist route , such as lack of persity in design , product homogeneity and lack of publicity efforts need to improve tourist facilities , product development and other issues is not enough rural tourism development in Wuzhong District . For this reason it will be scientific planning for the principle from training professionals, step up publicity efforts to create brand-effectiveness ,and many Countermeasures rural tourism development.
Key Words:rural tourism , Wuzhong district, SWOT analysis , countermeasures
目 录
一、引言 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究内容 2
二、苏州乡村旅游现状 2
(一)苏州吴中区基本概况 2
(二)苏州吴中区旅游发展现状 3
1.发展旅游的资源基础 3
2.吴中区乡村旅游开发现状 5
三、吴中区乡村旅游SWOT分析 6
(一)优势分析 6
(二)劣势分析 8
(三)机会分析 8
(四)威胁分析 9
四、吴中区乡村旅游发展对策 11
(一)在政府主导发展下,进行科学规划 11
(二)培养专业型高素质服务人才 11
(三)深度挖掘整合优势资源,打造并增强特色品牌集聚效应 11
(四)深度挖掘乡村旅游景点的文化内涵,展示其特有原生态之美 12
(五)注重特色节会培育 ,加大市场宣传与拓展力度 12
(751)“捆绑式”创建5A级景区,推动全区旅游产业转型升级 13
五、结语 14
参考文献 15
乡村旅游起源于19世纪中叶的欧洲,因为工业化与城市化进程的加快及带来了许多的负面影响,致使城市居民向往宁静的田园生活和美好的乡间环境,乡村旅游应运而生。欧美洲乡村旅游的发展历史达百年以上,在一些欧美发达国家,乡村旅游已具相当规模,并逐步走上了规范发展轨道。在世界旅游组织的出版物《2020年旅游业远景:全球预测与市场解剖》中估计,到2020年,约有3%的国际游客的旅游动机是出于乡村旅游的,在这3%中还不含约2100万的国内乡村旅游游客。居该杂志报道,乡村旅游的年增长高于世界旅游增长率几个百分点,增长率为6%。 苏州乡村旅游发展概况及对策+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_28017.html