毕业论文关键词:小米手机 市场营销 策略 互联网
The Study on Marketing Strategy of Xiaomi Phone
Abstract: Xiaomi created a new era of domestic mobile phone , its sales ranks first in China's mobile phone market in 2014 , what is better than Apple and Samsung . Xiaomi having a high standard of unique marketing strategy is one of the important reasons . Since China produced the first self-produced mobile phone in 1998, domestic mobile phone have being faced the low quality reputation . As the same , Xiaomi faces the challenge that people doubt if xiaomi mimics Apple . However , Xiaomi obtained the excellent results because of its excellent quality and good reputation . Xiaomi benefits from its marketing strategy . This article describes the historical background of Xiaomi and the development characteristics of Xiaomi phone .This article describes the historical background and current development of Xiaomi company and analyzes the development trend of Xiaomi phone . Through the Xiaomi mobile marketing environment and marketing strategy analysis . I hope the article can provide useful experience for Xiaomi and other domestic mobile phone companies and improve the competitiveness of Chinese domestic mobile phone companies .
Key Words:xiaomi phone , marketing management , strategy , internet
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究目的与意义 1
(三)文献综述 1
二、相关理论概述 3
(一)营销策略 3
(二)市场细分 3
(三)饥饿营销 3
(四)口碑营销 3
三、小米手机的发展状况 3
(一)小米公司的历史背景 3
(二)小米手机的现状 4
(三)小米手机的发展趋势 5
四、小米手机的营销环境及策略分析 6
(一)小米手机的营销环境 6
(二)小米手机的营销策略 7
五、小米手机营销策略存在的问题 11
(一)市场细分不足 11
(二)质量存在缺陷 12
(三)售后服务不完善 12
(四)品牌价值低 13
(五)销售渠道覆盖能力有限 13
(751)口碑营销传播风险 13
751、完善小米手机营销策略的对策 13
(一)细分市场 13
(二)提高手机质量 14
(三)完善售后服务 14
(四)增加品牌价值 14
(五)拓宽销售渠道 18
(751)合理控制饥饿营销程度 15
(七)放大口碑营销宣传效果 15
七、结语 15 小米手机的营销策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37380.html