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时间:2019-08-18 14:35来源:毕业论文

摘要:  当前,伴随着科技进步,医疗水平的蓬勃发展,人口老龄化问题正日益吸引政府和社会公众得关注,伴随着计划生育的少子化影响,老人所占比例越发增高,城市越发缺乏活力,太多的老人需要照料给年轻人带来不小压力。38719
毕业论文关键词:  居家养老;养老服务需求;老龄化
Shanghai home care research and countermeasure analysis
Abstract :At present, along with the progress of science and technology and the vigorous development of the medical level, the problem of aging population is increasingly attracting the government and the public’s attention. Accompanied by the influence of the continual decreasing birth rate, the proportion of elderly people becomes higher and higher and the city becomes less activity. Too much old man to be taken care of is bringing more and more pressure on young people.
This paper is based on the present situation and countermeasure research of Shanghai old-age home analysis as the research subject. Purpose is that through in-depth study of the pension and after literature review and questionnaire survey on the role of home care system and demand in order to analysis that how to make home care in Shanghai more convenient. It is becoming more and more serious in the aging population and negative growth, the pension gap increases gradually and the country becomes old before being rich enough. Under this background, how to construct a reasonable pension system, pension mode based home care of the present and what are the problems are what this paper mainly written and finally, puts forward relevant measures and suggestions.
Key Words:Home Care ; The Demand of Pension Service ; Aging
 目    录
一、 引言..4
二、 国内外文献评述.6
(四) 实施“居家养老”的建议8
(五)研究评述... ...  .8
三、 上海居家养老服务的现状分析9
(三)上海居家养老现状... ...11
四、 上海居家养老存在的问题13
(一)    居家养老服务的不足之处..13
(二)    社会各界对养老服务的积极性不高..13
(三)    居家养老服务政策与法律衔接不够..14
(四)    居家养老服务团队缺乏专业化..14
致   谢...18
一、    引言
(一)     研究背景
1.      上海老龄化加剧
   伴随着科技进步,医疗水平的蓬勃发展,老龄化问题可以说是许多发达国家以及发展中国家不得不正视的问题。本身人口基数就十分庞大的中国也是面临着形势越发严峻的老龄化问题的挑战。与其他国家不同,中国的老龄化问题形成原因以及引发的问题更为复杂:在农村地区,大多数青年人都奔往大城市留下空巢老人,由于医疗设施不完全,水平不到位,老人们的健康令人担忧;另一方面,在大城市例如上海,由于医疗水平发达,长寿老人也越来越多,伴随着计划生育的少子化影响,老人所占比例越发增高,城市越发缺乏活力,太多的老人需要照料给年轻人带来不小压力…… 上海居家养老的现状分析与对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37758.html