关键词 科学文献 网络传播模型 知识增长 影响因素
Title A Study on the Model of Scientific Communication and the Influencing Factors in the Environment of New Research Field: Based on the Theory of Cognition and Knowledge Growth
This thesis is based on the background of the environment of scientific communication. First, the paper summarizes on the system of scholar communication and presents some disappointments of the system. Second, on the basis of Popper’s Theory of Knowledge Growth, a model of scientific communication on the Internet is built under the guidance of a model of scientific communication as a global distributed information system (Björk Model). At last, the study picks the field of researches on new energy resources as a research object. Some data of scientific documents in this field is collected from CNKI which is a comprehensive database. The data is listed as a tablet, including the number of publishing, downloading and citing. These numbers are statistically analyzed. The analysis tests and verifies the scientific nature and reliability of the built model. Meanwhile, the study point out the influencing factors of the Internet communication of scientific literature.
Keywords Scientific Literatures Model of Internet Communication Knowledge Growth Influencing Factors
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 研究问题与内容 1
1.3 学术传播研究现状 2
1.4 研究思路与方法 5
2 相关研究理论与方法 7
2.1 学术传播的类型与科学文献网络传播的内涵 7
2.1.1 学术传播的类型 7
2.1.2 科学文献传播与科学文献网络传播的内涵 7
2.2 波普尔知识增长理论概述 8
2.2.1 波普尔科学知识增长理论简介 8
2.2.2 波普尔科学知识增长传播效果的描述方式 9
2.3 科学交流的生命周期模型(Björk模型) 10
2.3.1 科学交流的生命周期模型(Björk模型)简介 10
2.3.2 科学交流的生命周期模型(Björk模型)的基础模型 10
2.3.3 科学交流的生命周期模型(Björk模型)的整体框架 12
3 科学文献网络传播要素分析与模型构建研究 18
3.1 科学文献网络传播的要素分析 18
3.2 科学文献网络传播的基础模式分析 20
3.3 描述科学文献网络传播模型的语言-IDEF0 22
3.4 科学文献网络传播模型的构建 22
4 新研究领域科学文献网络传播模型实证研究——以新能源为例 27
4.1 新能源研究领域背景简介 27 认知和知识增长理论新研究领域环境下科学文献传播模型与影响因素:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_40349.html