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时间:2019-10-17 20:25来源:毕业论文

摘要: 落地生根(Kalanchoe daigremontiana)是多年生肉质草本植物。属于景天科(Crassulaceae)落地生根属(Bryophllum Salisb)的主要代表植物。本实验以落地生根幼嫩叶片、不定芽作为外植体,利用含有不同浓度配比植物生长调节剂的培养基分别进行愈伤组织的诱导不定芽的诱导生根培养及驯化移栽,建立了落地生根组织培养和快速繁殖体系。观察接种后落地生根幼嫩叶片及不定芽的生长状况,记录其生根率、污染率,以及愈伤组织分化率。对于长出愈伤组织的外植体,主要观察其愈伤组织的生长状况并进行愈伤组织诱导。观察其细胞的分化(即根、芽的形成过程)。通过实验比较可得出:在6种不同植物激素浓度配比的培养基里,最适合诱导愈伤组织的1/2MS培养基为1号培养基:6BA0.2mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L(即6BA:NAA=1:1);最适合诱导不定芽的1/2MS培养基的是第一组4号培养基:6BA1.0mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L(即6BA:NAA=5:1),不定芽诱导率达93.3%;最适合诱导不定根的1/2MS培养基为第二组E号培养基:6BA0.1mg/L+NAA1.0mg/L(即6BA:NAA=1:10),生根率可达86.7%。41090
毕业论文关键词: 落地生根;离体培养;植物生长调节剂
Tissue Culture of Kalanchoe daigremontiana
Abstract:  Putting down roots (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a perennial succulent herb. It is main representative plants belonging to Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae) air plant genus (Bryophllum Salisb) .This experiment to take root tender leaves and adventitious buds as explants, with different concentration ratio of plant growth regulator of culture medium were callus induced adventitious buds induced rooting culture and acclimatization established tissue culture and rapid propagation of the reproductive system of roots. Was observed after inoculation Kalanchoe daigremontiana a leaves and stems of the growth status and record the rooting rate, the rate of pollution, and the callus differentiation rate. For the leaves of the callus, the growth status of the callus was mainly observed and the callus induction was observed.Observe its differentiated cells (ie, formation process of root and bud ). Comparative experiments can be drawn: in 6 different plant hormone concentration ratio of the medium, the most suitable for callus induction of 1 / 2MS medium for Group 1: 6BA0.2mg / L + NAA0.2mg / L ( That 6BA: NAA = 1: 1); the most suitable 1 / 2MS media to induce adventitious buds for group 4: 6BA1.0mg / L + NAA0.2mg / L (ie 6BA: NAA = 5: 1), adventitious bud induction rate of 93.3%; the most suitable for inducing adventitious root 1 / 2MS medium for the group E:6BA0.1mg / L + NAA1.0mg / L (ie 6BA: NAA = 1:10), rooting rate was 86.7%.
Keywords:  Kalanchoe daigremontiana;Tissue culture;Plant growth regulators
1  绪论 .1
1.1  落地生根属简介 ......1
1.2  落地生根的形态特征 .2
1.3  落地生根的生长特点...2
1.4  落地生根植物研究概况和存在的问题...3
1.5  课题研究目的和意义...3
2  实验材料与方法 ..3
2.1  实验材料..4
2.2  实验方法..4
    2.2.1  无菌材料的获得............................4
    2.2.2  愈伤组织的诱导............................4
    2.2.3  芽分化及再生.............................4
    2.2.4  愈伤组织诱导生根...............................4
    2.2.5  实验测定项目.......................................4
3  结果与分析.5
3.1  不同灭菌方法对落地生根外植体的灭菌效果.....5
3.2  不同激素配比对落地生根外植体愈伤组织形成的影响..........7
3.3  不同激素配比对落地生根外植体不定芽形成的影响............10
3.4  不同激素配比对落地生根不定根诱导的效果..........12 沪港两地的社会工作服务比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_41037.html