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时间:2017-03-20 22:02来源:毕业论文

Mergers and acquisitions has become enterprises to expand scale, enhance strength, improve the efficiency important means, is the enterprise to achieve rapid growth and one of the main ways to improve the competitive advantage. Through summarizing the domestic and foreign research results, this paper systematically summarizes the factors and the change in the corporate restructuring process involves. And points out that corporate restructuring involved in mergers and acquisitions both sides business model change, the adjustment of the organizational structure and management resources integration, such as mergers and acquisitions both sides in the process of restructuring will inevitably cause the enterprise internal organization change of politics and power, and these changes may lead to internal contradictions and conflicts, and the systematic analysis of the existence of contradictions and conflicts for the beneficial effects of corporate restructuring and adverse effects. Elaborated the enterprise internal mechanism of organizational factors such as politics and power, and its changes in the restructuring process, contradictions and conflicts arising from the and may be the impact of business after the reorganization, and the corresponding solution to the contradiction and conflict management strategies are put forward.
KeyWords: Corporate restructuring; Power; Organizational politics; Organizational conflict; Management strategy

目  录
1绪论    1
2企业重组的理论概述    3
2.1 企业重组的概念    3
2.1.1 相关概念    3
2.1.2 企业重组的定义    3
3重组过程对组织政治的影响    4
3.1 组织政治的定义    4
3.2 组织政治的有利影响    5
3.3 组织政治的不利影响    5
4重组过程对权力的影响    7
4.1 权力的定义    7
4.2 权力的有利影响    7
4.3 权力的不利影响    7
5重组可能引发的冲突及影响    8
5.1 组织冲突及影响    8
5.1.1 组织冲突的定义    8
5.1.2 组织冲突的影响    8
5.2 企业文化冲突及影响    9
5.2.1 企业文化的定义    9
5.2.2 企业文化冲突的影响    9
5.3 人力资源冲突及影响    10
5.3.1 人力资源的定义    10
5.3.2 人力资源冲突的影响    10
6企业重组过程中对相关冲突的管理策略    12
6.1 组织政治、权力的管理    13
6.2 组织冲突的管理    13
6.3 企业文化冲突的管理    14
6.4 人力资源冲突的管理    15 企业重组过程中对组织政治、权力和冲突的管理研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_4354.html