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时间:2019-12-21 16:39来源:毕业论文



Community public welfare fund

-- a case study of Luohu community in Shenzhen

Abstract: Community public funds for community construction, community governance, increase community participation, the development of public utilities has extraordinary importance. Community Foundation is a platform for community welfare fund, Community Development to study the status quo of public funds, it is necessary to start from the actual research community Foundation. According to the author of the Community Foundation of Shenzhen Luohu A field trips, combining literature and interviews, I learned A community foundation has made great progress, but still need to face A Community Foundation how to assume leadership roles, shortage of personnel, lack of decision-making mechanism plight of democracy. The foundation To solve these problems, A Community Foundation Community Foundation should learn from foreign experience in the development, according to the reality of local communities to mobilize members to participate in the community, raise awareness of the charity residents, improve the internal mechanism of the Community Foundation, focusing on communication with other parts of the community Foundation of experience.

Keywords: Community Foundation, class aggregation model, community mobilization, community resource integration

目 录

论文题目:社区公益基金的初探 1

一、绪论 5

(一)研究缘起 5

(二)文献综述 6

(三)理论框架 7

(四)研究方法 8

二、A社区基金会的形成及特征 8

(一)A社区基金会形成之路 8

(1)A社区概况及A社区基金会形成的原因 8

(2)A社区基金会现状与项目案例 9

(二)A社区基金会的运作模式——类聚集模式 10

(1)类聚集模式形成的缘由 10

(2)类聚集模式运作过程 11

(3)类聚集模式的优劣 12

三、A社区基金会的总结与存在问题 13

(一)A社区基金会的总结 13

(1)A社区基金会与美国的相似之处 13

(2)A社区基金会的特点 13

(二)A社区基金会目前面临的瓶颈 14

(1)无法承担领导者角色 社区公益基金的研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_43847.html
