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时间:2020-03-22 11:26来源:毕业论文



Small and medium-sized enterprise research the training of the staff


 In the rapid development of the market economy today, small and medium-sized enterprises want to in the fierce competition in the market survive face a huge challenge. This paper first for the training of a detailed introduction to the theory, and then to training process is introduced in this paper. The second chapter from the macroscopic Angle to our country present situation of small and medium-sized enterprise training for some paper, lists the training process in the common problem. In the third chapter mainly introduces how to small and medium-sized enterprises to improve and enhance the quality of staff training for enterprises, and improve training can take measures to do some simple introduction. The fourth chapter basically introduces some-MeiDiYang group company of the enterprise changshu general situation, then simply introduces the training content, finally puts forward the enterprise training system existing problems and puts forward the corresponding proposal. This article aims to small and medium enterprise training through simple introduction, can go to is the medium and small enterprises provide some useful reference.

Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises;Staff training;Human resource management

 目  录

0 引言 1

1 员工培训的理论概述 2

1.1 员工培训的概念和实质 2

1.2员工培训的目标和作用 3

1.3 员工培训的一般流程 4

2 我国中小企业员工培训中的问题 5

2.1  企业尚未树立正确的员工培训观 5

2.2  企业培训过程缺乏系统性,培训体系不健全 5

2.3  培训效果缺乏考核 6

2.4  培训资源匮乏 6

3 提高员工培训质量的思路 7

3.1 提高培训质量的总体原则 7

3.2 提高培训质量的具体措施 8

4 员工培训的实证研究--以常熟市美迪洋集团为例 10

4.1 企业概况 10

4.2 企业员工培训概况 10

4.3 美迪洋集团员工培训中的问题和相应对策 11

结  论 14

致  谢 15

参考文献 16


0 引言

在知识经济迅速发展的今天,企业的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,人力资本取代物质资本而成为现代企业经营的主导因素,人力资源成为超出物质资源之上的第一资源。我国越来越多的企业认识到人力资源在现代企业发展中的重要作用,积极寻找开发和提高人力资源的途径来提高人力资源素质,使人力资本持续升值,进而提高企业核心竞争力,实现企业战略目标。而提高员工素质最有效也是最直接的方法就是进行员工培训。 中小企业员工的培训研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48677.html
