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时间:2020-07-02 20:54来源:毕业论文

摘要这几年来,国内的电子商务发展迅速,尤其在生鲜行业,但是发展中却存在很多问题,遇到了瓶颈,做好生鲜O2O,线上和线下相结合,是生鲜电商的一个重要出路。然而目前的生鲜O2O模式尚未成熟,仍处于在发展初期,通过分析现有的生鲜O2O模式,从产品、物流、终端、消费者四个方面探讨目前这些模式存在的主要问题及缺陷,产品标准化问题,物流冷链设备不完善,终端投资成本高,消费者体验问题等。通过对家事易进行具体分析,从经营特色、供应链模式、物流模式进行分析, 结合经验,针对这些问题优化生鲜O2O模式,从供应链、信息化技术、冷链与客户体验方面进行了优化和建议。为生鲜电商未来的发展与相关研究提供参考与帮助。51908

Abstract:  Over the past few years, the domestic e-commerce has developed rapidly, especially in fresh industry, but it has a lot of problems, developing encountered bottleneck, make fresh O2O, combination of online and offline, is an important path to fresh electrical contractor. Yet fresh O2O mode has not yet mature, is still in the early in the development, through the analysis of the existing raw O2O model, from product, logistics, terminal, consumer four aspects to discuss the main problems of these patterns and defects, product standardization, cold-chain logistics equipment is imperfect, terminal investment cost is high, the consumer experience. Through the study of the specific analysis of housework is easy, from management features, mode of supply chain, logistics mode is analyzed, combining with the experience, to solve these problems to optimize raw O2O mode, from the supply chain, information technology, cold chain and customer experience are optimized and the suggestion. For the fresh products and related research to provide the reference for the future development and help.

毕业论文关键词:生鲜电商; 生鲜O2O模式; 优化; 

Keyword: fresh electricity; the fresh O2O mode; optimize


1引言 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究内容 1

1.3 研究方法 1

2文献综述 2

2.1生鲜电商的模式 2

2.2生鲜电商存在的问题 3

2.3关于生鲜电商模式的研究 3

2.4关于生鲜产品的研究 4

3生鲜O2O 4

3.1O2O模式的原理及应用 4

3.2生鲜O2O模式的优势 4

3.3目前生鲜O2O模式的缺陷 5

4案例分析—以家易事为例 6

4.1经营特色 6

4.2供应链模式 7

4.3物流模式 7

4.4案例启示 7

5生鲜O2O模式优化构建 8

5.1改进后的生鲜O2O模式 8

5.2 模式特点 8

5.3生鲜O2O模式优化措施和建议 9

6我国生鲜电商发展对策 10

7结束语 11



近年来,我国互联网经济发展迅猛,冲击着人们的购物习惯,网络购物已经成为趋势,低价、省时,不受时空限制等优点,深受大众消费者的青睐。 生鲜O2O模式优化探讨:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55699.html
