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时间:2020-07-10 20:29来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Guizhou Xijiang village is full of tourism resources. However,because of its lack of facilities,its native customs tourism resources value could not be able to be displayed completely,and its original culture has been invaded by foreign cultures,which led to the imperfect utilization of the tourism resources in Xijiang village.To enhance the construction of tourism facilities,to excavate the culture connotation,to develop the specific handcraft products,to participate the local culture expericence,and to protect the original native culture are all important paths to improve the coefficient of utilization of Xijiang village tourism resources.We should explore the native pattern and people-involved pattern,promote the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural heritage in the less developed regions of China,improve the emploument of the local residents, and ultimately led to the economic development of Xijiang tourism.

Key words: folk custom resource; village tourism; xijiang village


1.引言. 4

2.西江千户苗寨特色旅游资源概况 4

2.1独特的吊脚楼民居建筑 4

2.2特色饮食及长桌宴风俗 5

2.3巧夺天工的服饰和银饰工艺 5

2.4隆重肃穆的节庆民俗 6

3.西江千户苗寨旅游资源开发中存在的问题 6

3.1旅游资源的硬件设施落后 6

3.2导游对民俗旅游资源的解读不够深入 7

3.3旅游产品形式单一,缺乏特色 7

3.4原生态文化遭受外来文化入侵 8

4.提高西江千户苗寨旅游资源利用率的举措 8

4.1加强旅游资源硬件设施的建设和普及 9

4.2深入挖掘民俗旅游资源的文化内涵 10

4.3创新特色手工艺旅游产品 11

4.4保护原生态民族文化 11

5.西江千户苗寨特色旅游资源的开发模式 12

5.1原生态模式 12

5.2群众参与模式 14

结语 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18


贵州西江千户苗寨是中国最大的苗族聚居村寨。在这里可以了解到整个中国苗族历史的发展,全寨有 人口6500多人,1200多户人家,素来有“千户苗寨”的美称。西江千户苗寨苗族历史文化悠久,接受外来文化的影响较少,常年以来自给自足,交通具有局限性,因此,西江千户苗寨的苗族文化几乎保留着原汁原的形态,被众多专家学者们称为“民族露天博物馆”。 浅论贵州西江千户苗寨民俗旅游资源的开发利用:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_56094.html
