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时间:2020-09-07 18:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In the 21st century, people's living standard are promoting, lots of people are not satisfield with the traditional sightseeing, instead of it is the tourist which in the center of the tourists as the leading travel experience. At the same time, the wetland tourist with the nature protection significance, humanities landscape value and the entertainment is on the rise. This article is based on the questionnaire of the point of view of Yancheng Yandu wetland park .Using spss17.0 research on the the visitors experience, influencing factors ,the tourists experience factors and relationship among them. According to the results, respectively from the perspective of experience, the tourist properties perspective, the overall sustainable development of wetland park management opinions were put forward. 

Keywords: wetland park, experience tourism, ecological tourism,spss 

目 录

1 前言 3

文献综述 3

2.1  湿地生态旅游综述 3

2.2  体验旅游 3

3  研究设计 4

3.1  研究对象 4

3.2  研究变量 4

3.2.1  游客体验影响因素 4

3.2.2  游客体验 4

3.3  研究方法 5

4  研究结果 5

4.1  样本描述 5

4.2  因子分析 6

4.2.1  游客体验影响因素的因子分析 6

4.2.2  游客体验的因子分析 9

4.2.3 游客体验因子均值比较 12

4.3  游客体验影响因素和游客体验的相关分析 13

5  研究结论与启示 15

5.1  游客属性对湿地公园管理的启示 15

5.2  基于游客三种体验对湿地公园的管理启示 15

5.2.1  从审美体验角度 15

5.2.2  提高行为体验 16

5.2.3  强化情感体验 16

5.3  基于可持续发展的湿地公园体验管理 16

5.4  基于体验导向型的湿地公园体验管理 17

参考文献 18

致  谢 19

附录A 20

1 前言 基于游客体验的盐城盐渎公湿地生态旅游研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_59968.html
