Abstract: Nowadays, with the rapid development of Internet environment and technology ,the accelerating rhythm of life and the continuous improvement of living standards are constantly pounding people’s traditional consumption concept . Shopping online has become an important and necessary part of our life . Female consumers are an important consumming group in the market economy . Female college students is a very important part of female consumer group . Because of the specifility of the female college students , this group is more concentrated, so this paper mainly discuss a survey through the questionnaire on the female college students in the form of small sample . From the investigation of the basic situation of shopping online of female college students,we can learn the female university students' internet shopping behavior and habits, explore the present situation of the female college students' shopping online ,summeriza the current female college students' internet shopping phenomena and problems , analyze the existing problems of female college students' internet shopping reasonsand and provide better and more reasonable decisions under the new internet environment for female college students .
Keywords: female college students , internet shopping , consumer psychology
一、前言 4
二、消费心理和消费行为的界定 4
(一)消费心理概念及消费心理对人们的影响 4
(二)消费行为概念对人们在购物中的影响 4
三、问题研究及研究方法 4
(一)问题研究 5
(二)研究方法 5
四、淮阴师范学院女大学生群体购物行为分析 5
(一)淮阴师范学院女大学生群体购物行为分析 5
(二)淮阴师范学院女大学生消费心理分析 9
一、 前言
二、消费心理和消费行为的界定源[自-751^`论/文'网·www.751com.cn 互联网环境中女大学生群体消费研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_62748.html