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时间:2017-05-23 23:11来源:毕业论文

关键词:大学生就业问题  就业形势 政策 就业歧视
Today, with the constant development of already been the realistic issue that the of college economic gradual growth widespread phenomenon in the world, economy, the employment of college and also a
 global social problem. Since enrollment expansion of universities and universities is started in 1999 in our country, the number of the undergraduates is increasing sharply. Though a large number of high-level talented people have been educated and promoted the development of the society, but the employment situation of them is becoming serious. China’s education from elite to mass, making the excess supply of university students and social requirements, lead to university students couldn’t find a job that matches their own human capital, create the unemployment and excessive education problems. Analysis the cause of current employment trend and restrict of the university unemployment, research of the way to solve the problem, improvement students’ understanding of employment problem ,taking the responding measures and reducing the waste of the countries’ human resources have realistic meaning. And the relationship between the employment of university graduates are not only social stability, also relates to he development strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education can be the implementation of the major issues.
Key words: University students' employment problem,  employment situation,policy
1.    引言    - 4 -
2.我国大学生的就业现状    - 6 -
2.1大学生毕业人数逐年增加    - 6 -
2.2大学生就业越来越难    - 7 -
2.3大学生薪酬水平低下    - 7 -
2.4大学生就业歧视现象明显    - 8 -
3 大学生就业存在问题的原因分析    - 9 -
3.1政府缺失相关的就业政策    - 9 -
3.1.1政府未能提供多元化的就业机会    - 9 -
3.1.2 政府未能保障大学生的最低薪酬    - 9 -
3.1.3政府对于就业歧视的界定范围比较窄    - 9 -
3.2高校人才培养体系存在问题    - 10 -
3.2.1大学部分专业设置不合理    - 10 -
3.2.2部分课程设置与社会要求不对称    - 10 -
3.2.3毕业就业指导有待提高    - 10 -
3.3用人单位错误的人才观念    - 11 -
3.3.1缺乏人才储备观念。    - 11 -
3.3.2盲目的人才高消费。    - 11 -
3.3.3盲目看中户籍、档案制度    - 11 -
3.4大学生自身方面的原因    - 12 -
3.4.1大学生自身的就业观念问题。    - 12 -
3.4.2自身的劳动力质量问题    - 12 - 大学生就业问题与对策研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7719.html