关键词: 半事业半自主;养老机构;发展与困境
The development of the semi-career and semi-autonomous pension institutions with difficulty
——Research on a pension institution survey
Abstract:With the development of society and economy, in the process of population aging is more significant. Aging population gradually increased, means that the pension service demand is in constant expansion, and this demand increasingly multi-facetted state. Endowment agencies cannot simply just meet the basic needs of elders, other requirements also needs to consider the old man. Base on field research conducted in a pension institution of Shanghai, to consult the relevant literatures and defined it as a semi-career and semi- autonomous of the endowment institutions, using the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method to research the institution's operation status. The results show that there are some problems in the institution, this article from the aspects such as personnel management, infrastructure, capital turnover of the business to analysis the semi-career and semi-autonomous pension institutions, and attempts to put forward effective countermeasures, so as to enable the agency to achieve the healthy development of the state.
Key words: The semi-career and semi-autonomous; Pension institutions; Development and dilemmas
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 3
(三)文献研究综述 3
1、养老机构的研究现状 3
2、养老机构的发展趋势 4
二、正文主体 4
(一)理论框架与研究方法 4
1、理论框架 5
2、研究方法 6
(二)调查分析 7
1、案例组织概况介绍 7
2、访谈内容分析 7
三、结论与建议 9
(一)结论 9
(二)建议 10
1、从影响养老机构的外部因素角度出发 10
2、从影响养老机构内部因素的角度出发 11
(一) 研究背景
在目前中国经济水平和社会发展水平较低、社会服务欠缺、社会保障部健全的情形下,由于社会中老人不断增加,老年人的赡养与照顾都会成为一个突显的社会问题,对家庭和社会都是不小的压力。除市场经济和政治意识形态方面得到作用外,随着城市家庭规模的逐步缩小,家庭日渐向小型化、核心化发展,再加上现代化过程对传统价值理念的冲击,计划生育政策对家庭结构的长期影响,使代际之间的供养关系、家庭照顾模式也有所变化。第751次人口普查的数据显示,我国60岁及以上的老年人总数达1.79亿,其中65岁及以上的老人占人口总数的8.87%,绝对数接近1.2亿,我国人口年龄结构的变化说明随着我国经济社会快速发展,人民生活水平和医疗卫生保障事业的巨大改善,生育率持续保持较低水平,老龄化进程逐步加快,老龄化成为国家人口社会发展中需要认真科学妥当应对的一个挑战。 半事业半自主型养老机构的发展与困境:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_7947.html