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时间:2018-03-26 17:26来源:毕业论文
In the process stage, theres two parts, preparation and extrusion molding.Before molding,, steps including drying sieving, weighing, transportation and high speed mixing are needed before further proc

In the process stage, there’s two parts, preparation and extrusion molding.Before molding,, steps including drying sieving, weighing, transportation and high speed mixing are needed before further processing into the extruder. After molding is ready, then steps including extrusion, molding, cooling stereotypes, pulling and cutting are needed to get the final products.
After way of production is chosen to use twin-screw extruder, series of screw parameters can be decided according to the specifications of the pipe, such as ccrew diameter, aspect ratio, segmentation, compression ratio and rotational speed. At the same time, the preliminary equipment for each process can be decided. Finally, the optimal operating point of the extruder has been calculated.
At the stage of equipment selection, device suitable for the U-PVC pipe has been deceided according to the processing way of the craftwork, as well as the technical parameters, prices and manufacturers.
At the stage of material balance, the number of extrusion can be calculated by the annual workdays and ability of production. And according to the formulation ratio of the production capacity, the feeding amount is calculated, as well as the amount of loss, waste and final amount. At the same time, three shifts of work and production of each class has been worked out.
1 绪论    1
  1.1 文献综述    1
    1.1.1 常见管材的类型及应用    1
    1.1.2 化工用管的常见类型及特点    2
    1.1.3 PVC管材的特点及应用    3
    1.1.4 硬PVC化工用管及其特点    5
  1.2 设计的目的和意义    6
  1.3 本设计产品规格    6
2 配方设计    7
  2.1 树脂的选择    7
    2.1.1 树脂与塑料的关系与分类    7
    2.1.2 聚氯乙烯树脂的型号    8
    2.1.3 聚氯乙烯的选用    10
    2.1.4 本设计中树脂的选用    11
    2.1.5 技术参数    11
  2.2 热稳定剂    12
    2.2.1 品种与性能    12
    2.2.2 聚氯乙烯的热稳定剂    12
    2.2.3 选用的热稳定剂    13
    2.2.4 技术参数    13
  2.3 加工助剂    14
    2.3.1 配方与实效    14
    2.3.2 选用的加工助剂    15
    2.3.3 技术参数    16
  2.4 润滑剂    16
    2.4.1 润滑剂的分类    16
    2.4.2 选用润滑剂的品种与性质    17
    2.4.3 技术参数    18
  2.5 填充剂    18
    2.5.1 填充剂的分类    18
    2.5.2 填料在塑料中的应用    19
    2.5.3 填料在硬PVC中的应用    19
    2.5.4 技术参数    20
  2.6 配方    20
3 工艺流程    21
  3.1 工艺流程图    21
  3.2 工艺流程说明    21
  3.3 成型前的准备    22
    3.3.1 树脂的干燥    22
    3.3.2 树脂的过筛    22
    3.3.3 树脂的输送    23 年产2000吨硬聚氯乙烯化工用管车间工艺设计(2):http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_11832.html