设计总说明:本设计的题目是年产 20 万吨焦油加工车间设计,焦油加工采用的是常压两塔式焦油连续蒸馏流程。 本设计根据任务书给出的已知数据计算出整个生产流程的主要设备工艺尺寸,同时也进行了非工艺部分的设计。
本设计在对比国内外焦油加工工艺的基础上, 做出了详细的规划,采用了两塔式连续焦油蒸馏工艺,从管式炉,一段蒸发器,二段蒸发器,萘塔,馏分塔到冷凝器,全面确定了年产 20 万吨焦油加工生产车间的主要设备并进行了选型,在主要设备确定之后同时进行了非工艺部分的核算,包括防火防爆,环境污染,给水排水以及经济预算。之后,给出了本设计的专题沥青的相关探讨,确定了本加工车间中温沥青为主要的生产产品,同时也给出了相关沥青烟的处理以及沥青的贮运,全面系统的说明了设计全内容。 通过查阅相关文献资料后,了解了有关焦油加工工业的发展历程,基于国内外发展状况,发展趋势,煤焦油加工技术的基础上。最后根据本设计所需的设计要求,选取了国内应用越来越成熟的焦油蒸馏法—常压两塔式焦油蒸馏工艺。
第一部分主要介绍了煤焦油的特性以及焦油加工的意义, 通过与国内外焦油加工业历史概况以及工艺的对比,阐述了当今焦油加工业的发展趋势与存在问题。20704
关键词: 煤焦油;焦油蒸馏;馏分塔;沥青
200,000 tons of tar processing plant design
Design General Information:This design topic is annual production capacity of 200,000 tons of tar processing plant design, tar processing is used in two atmospheric distillation tower tar
continuous flow. The design of the entire production process calculated in accordance with the
mission statement known data given by the size of the main process equipment, and also
conducted other part of the design process at the same time.
On the basis of comparison of the design process of the tar and abroad, to make a detailed
plan, using a two-tower continuous tar distillation process, from the tube furnace, the
evaporator section, Sec evaporator, naphthalene tower, ends column to condenser, fully
identified the main equipment 200,000 tons of tar processing plant and the selection,
non-accounting process conducted after the main part of the equipment determined
simultaneously, including fire and explosion, environmental pollution, water supply and
drainage, and economic budget . After that, given the relevant topics to explore the design of
asphalt to determine the temperature of the processing plant in the production of asphalt as the 年产20万吨焦油加工车间设计:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_12579.html