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时间:2018-07-28 13:38来源:毕业论文

关键词  功能化离子液体  有机合成  催化剂
Title   Design And Synthesis Of Fluorinated Polyethyleneglycol Functionalized Ionic Liquid                                                 
Ionic liquid is a kind of unconventional molten salt composed by organic or inorganic anions and organic cations. Ionic liquids has almost no vapor pressure,low melting point,high boiling point, chemical stability and thermal stability.It is also difficult to volatilize and burn.Many inorganic compounds, organic compounds and polymers can be soluted well in the ionic liquid.The adjustment of the zwitterion structure will achieve the purpose of changing the properties of ionic liquids. The ionic liquid can not only replace the traditional organic solvents as cleaning solvents, used in organic synthesis, catalysis, separation, extraction, biological and material and other aspects, It is also used as a catalyst, electrolyte, lubricant and advanced thermal conductor of green chemistry。This subject intends to explore the synthesis method of a series of fluorinated ion liquid with polyethyleneglycol (PEG) structure and its application in solvent and catalyst,then characterize them.
Keywords  Functionalized Ionic liquid  Synthesis  Catalyst
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1 离子液体概述    1
1.2 离子液体的研究进展    2
1.3 含氟离子液体的研究进展    4
1.4 离子液体的应用    5
1.5 研究内容和研究方法    6
2 聚乙二醇功能化含氟离子液体的制备与表征    7
2.1 试剂与仪器    7
2.2 制备方法    8
2.3 表征    9
3 离子液体介质中的Knoevenagel缩合反应    10
3.1 Knoevenagel缩合反应    10
3.2 离子液体的重复使用性能实验    10
3.3 结果与讨论    10
3.4 反应机理    12
3.5 结论    13
4 芳烃硝化反应    14
4.1 五氧化二氮N2O5的制备    14
4.2 芳烃的硝化反应    14
4.3 结果与讨论    14
4.4 结论    17
5 阿司匹林的合成    18
5.1 合成方法    18
5.2 结果与讨论    18
5.3 结论    20
结  论    21
致  谢    22
附录A  核磁HNMR    25
附录B  核磁FNMR    26
1 绪论
1.1 离子液体概述
离子液体(Ionic Liquid,IL)是一种由有机或无机阴阳离子等组成的非常规熔盐,在-100℃至300℃之间呈现为液体状态 [1]。离子液体具有熔点低,沸点高的特点,几乎没有蒸汽压,不易挥发,不易燃烧,离子液体还具有良好的热稳定性和化学稳定性,对大多数化合物有较好的溶解性能,可作为有机合成反应中的溶剂,方便实验操作且产物易分离。 此外,还可以根据具体反应和后处理需要,调整离子液体不同阴阳离子的组合,可改变离子液体的溶解性、液体状态范围、催化活性等物化性能,从而达到改变反应机理的目的, 提高反应的选择性和目标产物的产率[2,3]。 聚乙二醇功能化含氟离子液体的设计与合成:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_20475.html