Synthesis and luminescence properties of borate luminescent materials
Abstract: YBO3:Eu3+ luminescent materials were prepared by hydrothermal synthesis method. By changing the pH and the concentration of the doped Eu3+, to explore the influence of these factors on the synthesis and morpHology of the obtained YBO3. The results indicated that the fluorescence intensity of rare earth borate samples at pH=7 is weaker than that of the samples at pH=10. When pH = 10, with the increase of the concentration of Eu3+, the fluorescence intensity of the as-prepared YBO3:Eu3+ sample first increased, reached maximum at --%, and then decreased. The shape changed from the irregular block into regular balls, when the Eu3+ concentration exceeds a certain amount, and the sample from the regular spHerical shape become irregular lumps with the increasing of the doping concentration.
Key Words:Hydrothermal synthesis, Yttrium borate Fluorescent material, Rare earth.
目 录
摘 要 1
引 言 1
1 实验部分 3
1.1 试剂 3
1.2 YBO3:Eu3+发光粉的合成 3
1.3样品的表征 4
2 结果和讨论 4
2.1 不同pH对YBO3:Eu3+的形貌以及荧光性能的影响 4
2.1.1 XRD分析 4
2.1.2形貌分析 5
2.1.3 样品荧光光谱分析 6
2.2 Eu3+的掺杂量对YBO3形貌以及荧光性能的影响 7
2.2.1 XRD分析 7
2.2.2 样品的形貌分析 8
2.2.3 样品激发光谱和发射光谱的分析 10
3 结 论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
人类发展源于光,人类文明始于电。第一代光源为1879年爱迪生发明的钨丝白炽灯光源,白炽灯是照明领域最成功的产品之一。目前在几乎所有家用照明应用中占主导地位。然而由于白炽灯只能将约二十分之一的电能转化为光能,其发光效率很低,约十几个流明每瓦[4]。四十年代出现了第二代光源——掺锰和锑的卤磷酸钙荧光粉制成的荧光灯,其发光效率只比白炽灯提高了4~5倍,达到45流明每瓦,寿命也延长了约50倍。其中,CRT荧光粉(阴极射线)由于彩色电视的普及和PC的发展得以高速增长。五十年代,B.T. Barmer发现人视觉对445 nm (B),545 nm (G),610 nm (R)三种波长的光灵敏度最大,并用这三种基色按一定比例混合成了不同颜色的光,即为三基色荧光粉[5]。 硼酸盐发光材料的合成及性能研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_28533.html