关键词:环氧丙烷(PO) 立式激波管 初始压力 爆轰
Title Detonation characteristics of liquid fuel-air under certain vacuum condition
In this paper, propylene oxide is the research subject that was loaded in a vertical detonation tube with air, and the deflagration parameters of the ignited mixture were measured under different vacuum degrees. Initiation energy of the mixture was kept constant, and the initial pressure and fuel/air ratio was varied to compare the different deflagration parameters. The results show that the detonation pressure and velocity reduce with the increase of initial pressure in the tube, until the detonation cannot be achieved. Moreover, the detonation pressure and velocity varies in a “n”-shape curve with the fuel content in the tube raising, which peaks at a little more than stoichiometric ratio of fuel/air (1.05). This paper provides some meaningful results for the research on the liquid fuel dispersion, deflagration principle in some special low-pressure area.
Keywords: Propylene oxide(PO) Vertical detonation tube The initial pressure Detonation
1. 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1气态云爆燃料的研究 2
1.2.2液态云爆燃料的研究 2
1.3本文研究内容 4
2. 实验装置与实验方法 5
2.1引言 5
2.2实验装置 5
2.2.1立式爆轰管系统 5
2.2.2喷粉/喷雾系统 6
2.2.3点火及同步控制系统 7
2.2.4压力测试及采集系统 7
2.2.5抽真空系统 8
2.3 实验方法 8
2.3.1 气密性检验 8
2.3.2起爆药的安装 9
2.4本章小结 9
3. 同当量比PO/空气爆轰参数 10
3.1引言 10
3.2实验条件 10
3.3实验步骤 10
3.4实验结果 11
3.4.1冲击波超压与初始压力的关系 11
3.4.2爆轰速率与初始压力的关系 16
3.5本章小结 21
4. 当量比对爆轰参数的影响 23
4.1超压与当量比的关系 23
4.2爆速与当量比的关系 24
4.3本章小结 25
结论 27
致谢 28
1. 绪论
环氧丙烷(PO),又名环氧丙烯或甲基环氧乙烷,是除聚丙烯和丙烯腈外的第三大丙烯衍生物,是重要的基本有机化工合成原料。主要用于生产聚醚、丙二醇等。它也是第四代洗涤剂非离子表面活性剂、油田破乳剂、农药乳化剂等的主要原料。环氧丙烷的衍生物广泛用于汽车、建筑、食品、烟草、医药及化妆品等行业。已生产的下游产品近百种,是精细化工产品的重要原料。 特定真空条件下液态燃料的爆轰特性研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_31348.html