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时间:2021-03-01 21:11来源:毕业论文

摘要电化学氧化法废水处理技术因其具有高度的灵活性,多功能性,易于自动化,无二次污染等优点,早已成为国内外水处理技术研究的热点课题。论文研究了以含三环唑的农药废水为对象,用设计、制作的电化学实验装置处理废水,考察了操作参数如电流密度、初始pH值、电解质浓度和初始三环唑浓度对电化学处理废水的效果的影响。电流密度和初始电解质Na2SO4浓度对降解效果起到非常重要的作用,而初始pH值则影响不大。三环唑和COD的去除效率随着初始三环唑浓度由100mgL-1到200mgL-1增加而降低。在同一降解时间,相对较低的COD去除率表明在电化学氧化过程中有新的有机中间产物生成。三环唑中的杂原子N最终以NO2-和NO3- 离子形式出现。63816

毕业论文关键词   三环唑,电化学氧化,氧化产物 


Title   Electrochemical degradation of tricyclazole in solution       

Abstract Electrochemical oxidation technology for wastewater treatment has become the hot topic of water treatment technology research at domestic and international for its  more facility,multifunction, easily automated and no secondary pollution. Study on dye intermediate tricyclazole pesticide wastewater as the object. Treating wastewater by the design and produced electrochemical experimental apparatus. Study the effect of operating parameters such as the current density, the initial pH, supporting electrolyte concentration and the initial concentration of TC on electrochemical wastewater treatment. The current density and concentration of NaSO4 exert a prominent effect on degradation rates,and no significant effect of initial pH on TC mineralization and COD removal was observed. The efficiency of TC and COD removal decreased with increased initial concentration, from 100mgL-1 to 250mgL-1. The relatively low COD removal indicated that there were intermediates produced during the electrolysis process. Heteroatom oxidation products like NO2-、NO3- had been identified and explanations of their release were proposed。

Keywords:Tricyclazole, Electrochemical oxidation, Oxidation intermediates

目   录

1 绪论 1

1.1  农药废水的处理 1

1.2  电化学氧化法概述 1

1.2.1  电化学体系的基本结构单元 1

1.2.2  电化学氧化电极 2

1.2.3  有机物的电化学氧化机理研究 2

1.3  电化学氧化原理 3

1.3.1  直接氧化法 3

1.3.2  间接氧化法 4

1.4  电化学氧化法在水处理技术的研究进展 4

1.5  三环唑的应用及危害 6

1.6  展望 6

1.7  本课题所要解决的问题及拟采用的研究方法 6

2  实验 7

2.1  实验仪器 7

2.2  实验药品 7

2.3  实验装置 8

2.4  实验方法 8

2.5  分析方法 9

2.5.1  高效液相色谱法原理 9

2.5.2  离子色谱法原理 电化学氧化法处理废水中三环唑研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_70591.html
