摘要:我国是世界第一烟草大国,庞大的烟草消费市场以及巨大的烟草健康隐患催生了一批以电子香烟为首的新型烟草制品。电子香烟一般来说是指吸烟者可通过传统香烟的抽吸方式来抽吸经过电子烟油雾化器雾化过的液体化合物(即电子烟油)的电子设备。电子香烟的由来最早可以追溯到上个世纪六十年代来自美国的吉伯特发明的的 “无烟气、非烟草卷烟产品”,但是真正开始得到发展还是2003年的事,时任辽宁中药研究所副所长的韩力发明了“一种非可燃性的电子雾化香烟”,在投资者的帮助下“如烟”电子香烟品牌建立,借助国际控烟的浪潮以及电子香烟健康戒烟的噱头,电子香烟得到了飞速的发展。我国是全球最大的电子香烟生产、出口国,也是政府管制电子香烟最松的国家,但是电子香烟在国内的发展却远远不及国际市场那么热烈。通过对我国特色的了解,喜好瓜子类坚果产品的人群与吸烟人群高度吻合,协调坚果香气与烟草本香的电子香烟产品可能更容易被市场接受。而作为香料香精专业的学生,调配一款具有浓郁坚果香气的电子烟油也是对香料香精调香的专业基础知识与烟草香精的专业基础知识的结合、锻炼与检验。70615
The Compounding of Nuts Flavor E-liquid
Abstract:China is one of the largest tobacco country in the world. The huge tobacco consumer market and the health risk of tobacco spawned lots of new tobacco products led by electronic cigarettes. In general, electronic cigarette is a device that the user use the suction of traditional cigarettes get the chemical mixture smoke (e-liquid) from the electronic nebulizer. The electronic cigarette can be traced back to the last century in 60s, a American engineer,Gilbert's "no smoke, no tobacco products, but started developing was in 2003, when Han Li, the deputy director of Liaoning Province Chinese Medicine Research Institute, invented a no flammable electronic cigarette", with the help of investors, the brand of "ruyan" electronic cigarette has been built. with the tide of international tobacco control and the gimmick of health electronic cigarette smoking cessation, the electronic cigarette developed very quikly. China is the largest production and export of electronic cigarettes over the world, and the most loose control by government of the electronic cigarette, but the development of electronic cigarettes is far less than the international market. Through the study of the characteristics of our country, the people who like melon seed nut products are highly consistent with the smokers, and the electronic cigarette products which can coordinate the nut aroma and tobacco flavor can be accepted easily. As a student major in perfume and flavors, The compounding of nuts flavor E-liquid is a way to combine professional knowledge of flavors and perfumery with basic knowledge of tobacco flavor, and it can also excise myself.
Key words:electronic cigarette;Flavor compounding;Nuts flavor;fogging agent;E-liquid
目 录
1引言 1
2电子香烟的概述 2
2.1电子香烟的由来 2
2.2电子香烟的种类 2
2.3电子香烟的结构以及工作原理 2
2.4电子烟油的组成 2
2.5电子香烟的戒烟原理 4
3电子香烟的现状 5
3.1全球市场电子香烟的现状 5
3.2有关电子香烟的主要争议 6
3.3全球政府机构对电子烟的态度 7
3.4电子香烟在新型烟草制品中的地位 8
4电子烟油的设计与调配 9
4.1电子烟油基体雾化剂 9 具有浓郁坚果香味的电子烟油调配:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_80025.html