摘 要:为了研究乙酸预处理对小麦秸秆厌氧发酵产沼气性能的影响,本试验采用不同质量百分数CH3COOH溶液对秸秆进行预处理,在中温(35 ± 1)℃、小麦秸秆和牛粪按1:1配比的条件下进行了厌氧消化试验。结果表明,经过不同质量百分数的乙酸预处理后,小麦秸秆的木质纤维结构显然被破坏,小麦秸秆在很大程度上厌氧发酵产沼气的能力得到了提高。其中以7% CH3COOH预处理试验组的效果最好,总产气量最多,为15456 mL,日均产气量为406.14 mL/d。在此情况下,pH初期波动,之后基本维持在6.8左右,日产气量波动较大,但是甲烷含量保持相对稳定。综合以上各种因素可以得出较好的工艺条件是7%乙酸预处理。70667
Abstract:In order to explore the influence of CH3COOH pretreatments on characteristics of the biogas production of wheat straw, the experiment was performed in different mass fractions of CH3COOH solution, which were 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%. A batch of experiments of straw was conducted under the condition of (35 ± 1) ℃, when the same content of straw and excrement were blended. The results indicated that, after the pretreatment of different mass fractions of acid, components of straw were destroyed more apparently and shorten the starting time effectively and the biogas yield was improved. 7% CH3COOH pretreatment was best according to all parameters. Total gas is 15456 mL, average gas is 406.14 mL/d also the, In this case, pH swings early, then it remains at around 6.8, daily gas production fluctuate mostly, methane content is stable relatively. All the results indicated that 7% CH3COOH pretreatment was much better.
Keywords:Wheat straw, pretreatment, biogas, anaerobic fermentation, CH3COOH
目 录
1 前言 6
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 试验材料 6
2.2 接种物 6
2.3 试验装置 7
2.4 试验设计 7
2.5 试验测定项目与方法 7
3 结果与讨论 8
3.1 乙酸预处理厌氧发酵对pH变化情况 8
3.2 乙酸预处理厌氧发酵对日产气量的影响 8
3.3 乙酸预处理厌氧发酵对累积产气量的影响 9
3.4 乙酸预处理厌氧发酵对甲烷含量的影响 10
结 论 11
参考文献 12
致 谢 13
1 前言
研究结果表明,产甲烷的速率与小分子有机物的种类及浓度关系紧密,提高碳氮比可以提高产甲烷速率[4]。小麦秸秆是由纤维素,半纤维素,木质纤维素等难以降解并且相互交联的高分子物质组成,厌氧微生物在其中无法进行有效的活动,使之难以分解。因为这,预处理就显得相当的重要[5]。当今社会科技成熟的预处理方法中有物理法,化学法和生物法[6-9]。化学法是这些方法中最为普遍的一种方法。化学法处理有着高效率,易处理的优点[10]。论文网 乙酸预处理对小麦秸秆厌氧发酵产气性能的影响:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_80095.html