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时间:2018-03-07 10:59来源:毕业论文

    关键词  宏观调控   房地产   融资方式   实证分析   
Title  Research of Chinese Real Estate business Financing Changes under the macro-control    
Our real estate industry after 20 years development has become one of the main pillars of our national economy,in order to ensure its steady and healthy development, our nation introduced a series of macro-control policies, in this context, our real estate financing companies have great changes. To study the changes of our real estate financing companies under the macro-control policy will have great meaning to cope with the macro-control and the adjustment of macro-control policy.
This paper will first study by the literatures of the impact of macro-control to the enterprises especially the real estate financing methods, to have a preliminary understanding of the changes of real estate financing companies under the macro-control. Then combined with domestic real estate enterprises financing situation in reality to do generally research and empirical analysis concluded that: because in the liberal macro-control ,real estate companies will be easy to get a loan, using the loan to finance more, the use of other forms of financing less ;when strengthen macro-control, there is a series of real estate bank credit tightening policies and measures were introduced, the real estate business is more difficult to obtain loans as a source of funding , it will reduce the relative size of the domestic loans , increase the relative size of the self-financing by indirect financing to direct financing of the transition ,and then the real estate business must develop new financing channels.
Key word Macro-control; Real estate; financing method; Empirical analysis
目   次
1 引言    2
1.1研究背景及意义    2
1.2 研究思路和方法    2
1.3 论文结构    3
2 文献综述    4
3 宏观政策变迁与房地产企业融资行为的理论分析    5
3.1 房地产企业的主要融资方式    5
3.2宏观政策变迁对房地产融资方式的影响分析    7
4 宏观调控对房地产企业融资方式影响的实证分析    9
4.1 理论构想    9
4.2 变量和数据    10
4.3 模型分析    11
4.4 实证结果    13
5 宏观政策变迁对房地产企业融资方式影响的进一步分析    14
6 结论    20
致  谢    21 宏观调控下的我国房地产企业融资方式变迁研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_10675.html