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时间:2018-07-04 21:28来源:毕业论文

Analysis on the Risks and Profits of Insurance Fund Investment
Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of insurance funds in the stock market set off waves of waves. From the crowd craving the "source of living water" into the door placards of the "barbarians", and then to be a thorough investigation by the CIRC "harm fine." Based on the historical data, this paper makes a descriptive statistical analysis on the current situation of insurance income and investment balance in China, and then analyzes the investment structure of insurance funds, pointing out that the enterprises should improve their own ability of stock picking and pre-investment. At the same time, through comparing the development of insurance investment in the United States, Britain and Japan, the paper believes that China's insurance funds can be persified invested, especially in high-quality overseas investment.
Key words: insurance funds; investment; risk;profit
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    1
二、文献综述    2
(一)关于保险资金资产配置定量研究    2
1、国外研究    2
2、国内研究    2
(二)关于保险资金投资国内外比较研究    3
三、我国保险资金投资的发展历程    3
(一)投资政策发展历程    3
(二) 投资规模的发展历程    4
(三)投资结构的发展历程    4
四、我国保险资金投资的风险分析    6
(一)资产价格波动风险    6
(二)偿付能力不足风险    7
(三)合规风险    8
五、我国保险资金投资的收益分析    10
(一)历史投资收益率的变化历程    10
(二)当前投资项目收益贡献率分析    10
751、发达国家保险业投资比较    11
七、结论与建议    12
致谢    12
参考文献    13
但保险资金投资的风险和收益大小并不是一句话就能简单说明的。在目前优质资产投资荒、投资渠道有限的情况下,唯有通过改变保险资金投资结构来提高保险资金投资的收益。当然,风险总是伴随着收益的增加而增加。本文在目前政策允许范围内,结合已有数据和文献,对保险行业目前发展进行描述性分析,并结合国外发达国家的险资投资结构进行比较分析,最终对保险公司提出投资布局上的相关建议。 保险资金投资的风险和收益分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_18849.html