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时间:2018-08-15 16:16来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  环境谈判  贸易自由化  国际竞争力  中国立场
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title    The Development of Environmental Negotiations in Free Trade Agreements and the Tactics of China 
As the environmental problems become more and more serious all around the world, nations pay more attention on environmental conservation. As a result, environmental negotiations and related issues get more concern from society. In order to achieve the development of economics and the protection of environment at the same time, many nations participate in environmental negotiations concerning on trade liberalization. To make the development of economics coordinate with the protection of environment is the long-term subject for China. As the acceleration of trade liberalization is inevitable, the way to deal with the opportunities and challenges from the environmental negotiations in FTAs will directly influence China’s development of economics. This paper will talk about content, focus and trend of environmental negotiations in FTAs. Then we will analyze the effect of environmental negotiations to China at the level of China’s environmental industry. At last we will give some advices to improve the development and the international competitiveness of China’s environmental industry under the situation of trade liberalization of environmental goods and service.
Keywords  Environmental Negotiations   Trade Liberalization International Competitiveness   Standpoint of China
目   次
1 引言  1
2我国环境产业的现状与前景  2
2.1我国环境产业的基本情况  2
2.2我国环境产业的发展前景  3
3自由贸易区协议中的环境谈判  4
3.1将环境谈判纳入自由贸易区协议中的原因  4
3.2自由贸易区协议中环境谈判的内容  5
3.2自由贸易区协议中环境谈判的趋势  6
4 环境谈判对我国的影响  7
4.1 环境谈判的结果可能对我国产生的有利影响  7
4.2 环境谈判的结果可能对我国产生的不利影响  8
5我国应对环境谈判的策略 10
5.1我国在环境谈判中的立场与方针 10
5.2我国环境产业制定政策的调整 11
结论 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14
1  引言
于2001年启动的WTO多哈回合谈判,唯一的新议题即“贸易与环境”[7]。该议题所探讨的核心问题,即促进环境产品和服务的贸易自由化,旨在通过消除相关的关税和非关税壁垒,推动环境产品及服务在世界范围内的流通,从而对世界经济的绿色发展起到良好的引导作用。在全球环境状况面临着严峻挑战的形势下,许多国家纷纷投入到环境产品和服务的贸易自由化谈判中,以期能促进环境友好型的经济发展模式早日实现。然而,由于缺乏公认的国际标准,加之发展中国家顾虑到自身产品在国际市场的准入而不愿将环境议题纳入WTO的谈判框架下[1],环境谈判的主要阵地逐渐转移到了自由贸易区协议的谈判中。 自由贸易区协议中环境谈判的发展动态与中国对策:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_21432.html