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时间:2019-07-16 19:59来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着时代的变化和发展,文化产业集群在中国各个地区逐渐的发展起来并且呈现出逐步发展壮大的趋势,而在中国西部地区这种文化产业集群的发展状态表现的尤为突出。中国西部地区文化资源丰富,其作为中国目前正发展的地区,也必须注重用科学发展观的观点来开发利用文化资源,本篇文章通过对中国西部地区文化产业集群的研究现状进行分析,探讨出了其在发展过程中出现了地区发展不平衡,总体发展水平有待提高;重复建设、同质化严重、集群特征不明显;产业聚集动力单一,政府主导色彩浓等一系列问题,并针对存在的一系列问题对中国西部地区文化产业集群的可持续开发及合理利用进行了一系列的探讨。37060
Current development in western China Cultural Industry and Countermeasures
Abstract: Along with the change and development of 他he 他imes, the development of cultural industry cluster in various parts of China gradually up and witnessed a gradual development trend, and in the state of the development of China's western region of the cultural industry cluster performance is particularly prominent. Rich cultural resources in west of China, as China is currently the development of the region, also must pay attention to use the concept of scientific development view to the development and utilization of cultural resources, this article through to the culture and the research status of industrial cluster in western China were analyzed, and discussed the appeared in the process of its development in the region unbalanced development, the overall level of development needs to improve; Redundant construction, severe homogeneity, the cluster characteristics is not obvious; Single industry gathered momentum, a series of problems such as the government dominant color thick, according to a series of problems on China's western region culture industrial cluster's sustainable development and rational utilization of a series of discussion.
Keywords: Industrial clusters; Cultural industry clusters; The western region and Cultural Industry
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、文化产业集群概述    2
(一)产业集群的内涵    2
(二)文化产业集群的内涵    2
(三)文化产业集群的建构要求及运行特征    3
(四)文化产业集群发展的重要意义    3
二、中国西部地区文化产业集群的发展现状    4
三、中国西部地区文化产业集群发展中存在的问题    5
(一)地区发展不平衡,总体发展水平有待提升    5
(二)重复建设、同质化严重、集群特征不明显    6
(三)产业聚集动力单一,政府主导色彩浓    6
(四)专业化分工与协作程度低,整体竞争力不强,缺乏关联效应    7
 (五)专业人才的缺失    7
四、中国西部地区文化产业集群中存在问题的对策分析    8
(一)统筹规划,合理布局,走特色化、品牌化发展之路    8
(二)激励创意,创新发展,建立集群核心竞争力    8
(三)培育核心企业,完善中小企业、中介服务组织配套    9
(四)加快产业集聚和集群化发展,完善产业链,提高产业关联度    9
(五)加快人才聚集,保障可持续发展    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
中国西部地区文化产业集群的发展现状及对策分析    中国西部地区文化产业集群发展过程中存在问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_35734.html