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时间:2020-03-13 22:03来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:信息化;信息化技术; 互联网金融;风险
As China's industrialization and information technology integration degree deepening, especially in the global information technology continue to make breakthroughs in the new situation, China's Internet banking has shown a good momentum of development, because the Internet has a financial payment convenience and low cost of the middle and high transparency advantages and ease of participation, which was quickly recognized by the majority of the people and people's lives have a huge impact. But at the same booming there are some problems, which show a lack of strict supervision. This is due to the late start of China's Internet banking and Internet openness, and its development and is very fast, so Chinese Internet there are still many financial risks. In this paper, the Internet banking for the study, the use of Internet financial theory,, detailed analysis of the current financial status of the Internet and a variety of risks facing the country, which put forward suggestions and countermeasures.
Keywords: information technology; information technology; Internet banking; risk
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  互联网金融    1
1.1互联网金融概述    1
1.2互联网金融的发展背景    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
第二章  互联网金融风险    3
2.1互联网金融存在的风险    3
2.2产生互联网金融风险的原因    6
第三章  众贷网    8
3.1众贷网发展过程    8
3.2众贷网破产的原因    8
3.3众贷网中得到的启发    9
第四章  防范互联网金融风险对策    10
4.1完善金融监管和法律法规    10
4.2加大企业运营风险管理    10
4.3建立企业信用管理体系    10
4.4大力宣传互联网金融产业    11
4.5完善互联网金融网络安全系统    11
结束语    13
致  谢    14
参考文献    15
第一章  互联网金融
1.即时性。由于电脑、手机都具备随时随地上网、轻巧携带方便等有利特点,使用者可以更为方便快捷的运用互联网提供的一系列金融服务。汇款转账、证券交易、在线支付等功能的实现越来越快捷及时方便,使用者只要在手机、电脑等终端动动手指按下按键就可以完成这些的金融服务。 对互联网金融风险因素的影响:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48280.html