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时间:2020-04-06 10:08来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  装备制造业 走出去 一带一路 基础建设

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Discussion about the “Going Global” Strategy of Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry under the Backdrop of One  Belt One Road


Equipment Manufacturing Industry is the foundation of the national economy,which is one of the importance norms to measure the national prolificacy.Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry has a successful development in consideration of the long-term construction.And this industry is being reformed,so that the manufacturing equipment made in China could be exported to all over the world.Which is the strategy called ”Going Global”.Three years ago,Chinese government announced the “One Belt One Road”initiates.Helping the Asian developing countries with infrastructure construction is among that,what is influencing the Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry ”Going Global” strategy.

First,this paper analyzes the current situation and significance for China of “One Belt One Road” strategy.Then,the problemes about the “Going Global” strategy of Chinese Equipment Manufacturing Industry under this backdrop.Final,solutions for these were offered.

Keywords  equipment manufacturing industry , Going Global , One Belt One Road ,   infrastructure construction

目  次

1  引言 1

  1.1 研究背景1

  1.2 研究目的3

  1.3 研究方法4

文献综述 5

  2.1 关于“一带一路”的文献5

  2.2 关于装备制造业发展现状的文献6

3  中国装备制造业“走出去”面临的问题分析 7

  3.1 发展中国的的矛盾心理7

  3.2 不确定的政治风险7

  3.3 自身局限性和资金问题9

4 中国装备制造业“走出去”的对策建议10

  4.1  与发展中国家加强合作沟通10

  4.2  维护地区政治稳定11

  4.3  清除“走出去”过程中的资金障碍12

  4.4  装备制造业强化自身竞争力13

结论 14

致谢 15

参考文献 16 

 1  引言 

1.1  研究背景


1.1.1  装备制造业的简介

“装备制造业”指的是生产用于生产的装备的制造业,这个概念是我国提出来的。这些装备包括与人民日常生活息息相关的农业机械、工业设备等,还有一些关系到国家能源和国土安全的,例如石油化工类的重型机器,电力航空等等这些与军事有密切关系的产业。这些都是消费品制造业或其他工业的基础,因此可以说装备制造业实际上对国民经济的发展起到重要的影响作用。 一带一路背景下中国装备制造业走出去探讨:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_49688.html
