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时间:2017-05-17 23:06来源:毕业论文

研究内容包括:从理财产品本身探讨理财产品的种类,自身设计结构,风险收益水平,信息披露程度, 从外资银行本身探讨银行为客户打造理财产品投资组合的具体流程;从客户本身发掘客户选择外资银行进行理财的深层次原因;从中国市场本身监管的角度出发,与外资银行在海外所受到的法律监管的程度作比较,探究中国市场对于外资银行的监管所存在的不足。8810
关键词  外资银行 理财产品 资产组合 信息披露
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title  The development of the financial products of foreign banks in China
This article explore financing products from foreign-funded banks in 2004 in China on sale until 2012 for the first time that a history of nine years. Rise from the initial foreign financial products based on the Chinese market; be strong against the financial crisis, until the case of gradually increasing financial disputes of foreign banks in recent years. This article will stand again in a whole new perspective to look at the analysis of these financial products.
  Research content including: from financial products itself discussion financial products of type, design structure, risk income level, information disclosure degree,from foreign bank itself discussion Bank for customer build financial products investment combination of specific process, research on personal finance manager to promote marketing of financial products to customers; from the customers themselves to explore deeper reason for customers to select foreign banks to finance; from the point of view of market regulation in China, exploring Chinese market for foreign-funded Bank regulatory deficiencies of.
  A special market for China, Chinese investors to invest in how to carefully select the foreign banking products give some suggestions.
Keywords foreign banks, financial products portfolio, information disclosure
1  引言    1
2  外资银行理财产品概述    2
2.1 QDII产品    2
2.2 结构性理财产品    3
2.3 理财产品的基本投资组合结构    4
3  外资银行理财产品在中国发展阶段与现状    4
3.1 外资银行理财产品兴起    4
3.2 金融危机冲击外资银行理财产品市场    4
3.3 外资银行理财产品发展现状    5
4 外资银行理财产品的失败案例    5
4.1 KODA产品    6
4.2 08年汇丰银行144款QDII产品    6
5  外资银行理财产品发展中存在的问题     7
5.1 外资银行信息披露不足    8
5.2 银监会对外资银行理财产品存在监管盲区    9
6 投资者如何避免外资银行的理财陷阱进行理性投资    11
6.1 读懂外资行理财产品说明书    11
6.2 慎重选择理财产品    11
6.3保持平稳的理财心态    12
7  改进外资理财产品信息披露的几点建议    12
7.1 外资银行应完善在产品销售存续终止阶段所需履行的义务    12
7.2 银监会应增加对信息披露的强制性要求    13 外资银行理财产品在中国的发展研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_7280.html