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时间:2021-04-27 20:39来源:毕业论文



Abstract: China’s cultivated area has decreased steadily now. In order to feed more and more people and to assure grain self sufficiency in general ,we have to improve yield of farm crops per hectare and keep certain area under cultivation.this paper has quantitative analysis of the comparatively weightiness of cultivated land’s grain productivity in every province,which is expected to provided scientific foundation for making decision of protect cultivated land. There’re obvious provincial difference in cultivated area and grain productivity change since the founding of New China.The regional difference of cultivated area change indicates higher productivity cultivated area decreases while lower productivity cultivated area increases.The cultivated area’s grain productivity becomes small from southeast to northwest part in China.As  such, in order to ensure food security, food production in the east and middle of China, where basic agricultural bases are relative better, there should be more emphasis.In addition,basic agricultural infrastructure construction, land consolidation and the improvement of medium or low-yield cultivated lands should also be advocated in the north and southwest of China to explore the potential grain productivity. 

Key words: agricultural acreage,potential grain productivity, relative productivity,provincial difference

目   录

1 数据和方法 4

1.1 耕地生产能力含义 4

1.2 数据来源和方法 4

2 近年来我国耕地和粮食生产的变化 5

2.1 耕地数量的变化 5

2.2 粮食产量的变化 5

3 耕地生产力的省际差异 5

3.1 耕地面积的省际差异分析 5

3.2耕地生产能力的省际差异分析 6

3.3 各省区耕地相对面积和绝对面积的对比分析 9

4.影响耕地生产力的主要因素 10

4.1 自然因素 10

4.2 人为因素 10

5 中国耕地保护策略 11

结 论 12

参 考 文 献 13

致  谢 14

耕地是我们赖以生存的基础和保障,是我们重要的自然资源和生产资料,粮食的安全核心就是耕地生产能力,但近年来,由于我国人口快速增长、城市化发展而造成的土地压力增大,耕地数量减少,因此不断地挖掘、发展、提高和恢复耕地生产能力对我国粮食持续供应有很大的帮助。分析耕地生产能力的省际差异能直观的感受到近年来我国各省耕地的利用状况,能反映出不同的社会经济条件对耕地生产能力的省际差异的影响,从而制定具有科学依据的耕地保护政策,提升耕地生产能力和实现耕地可持续发展。文献综述 我国耕地生产能力的省际差异:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_74472.html
