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时间:2018-03-20 16:09来源:毕业论文

摘要:本文简单地介绍了网上订餐管理系统的设计与实现的开发背景、主要技术以及业务流程,针对该系统进行市场需求的分析、功能的描述、数据库的设计,详细地描述了整个系统的设计思路及其开发过程。全文按照软件开发的生命周期,分为可行性研究、需求分析、总体设计、详细设计等阶段,应用数据流程图、E-R图、数据库表等工具清晰的展示了设计过程。系统是基于MVC三层模式,利用JSP+JavaBean+SQL Server2008开发系统,实现了应用程序逻辑和页面显示分离。
关键词:    网上订餐管理系统;JSP;JavaBean;SQL Sever2008
The design of online ordering system
Paper briefly describes the online ordering system design and implementation of management development background, the main technology and business processes, market demand for the system analysis, functional description, database design, detailed description of the whole system design and its development process. Full accordance with the software development life cycle, is pided into the feasibility study, requirement analysis, design, detailed design stage, the application data flow diagram, ER diagram, database tables and other tools to clear the display of the design process. Three-tier system is based on MVC pattern, using JSP + JavaBean + SQL Server2008 development system to achieve the application logic and page display separation.
Online Ordering achieved paper management system design and implementation from the simple, user friendly, flexible, safety requirements, the completion of online ordering management system design and implementation of the entire process. A good test run of the system, providing scientific and reliable management functions, the system front to achieve the user a message, online chat, user ordering, dishes query and other functions, the system can realize the background user management, sales statistics, order management, dishes Management message board Management. System back in time on the front of the function modules of unified management and to make timely and accurate decision-making, to achieve the desired objectives.
Keywords:    Online Ordering System,JSP, JavaBean,SQL sever2008
摘要    i
Abstract    ii
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
1.2    课题分析    1
1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    1
1.4    系统实现主要技术    2
1.4.1    开发语言    2
1.4.2    相关语言及开发工具介绍    3
2    系统架构与功能分析    5
2.1    运行环境    5
2.1.1    软件运行环境    5
2.2    系统的可行性研究    5
2.2.1    技术可行性    5
2.2.2    社会可行性    5
2.2.3    经济可行性    6
2.3    系统需求分析    6 JSP网上点菜定餐系统的设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_11385.html