关键词 Android 音乐播放器 java Linux
Title The development of Music Player under the
mobile intelligent trend
In the recent few years, mobile intelligent terminal developed rapidly in the traditional phone market. With the intelligentize in mobile device, the traditional ways of listening music, such as Walkman, portable MP3 have been gradually replaced by the intelligent mobile devices now .The Android is the most popular mobile operating system today. So developing a music player based on Android platform has high practical value. The music in this paper is based on the Android platform .The music player can automatically search the music library, initialize the music playlist, and you can play, pause, stop, search or delete a song, you can also switch the paly mode, see the lyrics, set the song as the ringtone. Check the details of a song, adjust the volume, filtrate the songs, and you can also tell the author you opinion. The program has a friendly interface, and can be easily operated. The function of the program is complete, the program responses in time. In this paper I will introduce the program in detail.
Keywords Android java Linux music player
1 引言 1
1.1项目背景 1
1.2 基于Android平台的音乐播放器现状 1
2 系统需求分析 2
2.1 构成模块 2
2.2 功能需求(用例图分析) 2
2.2.1 播放控制模块 3
2.2.2 播放列表模块 6
2.2.3 歌词显示模块 7
2.2.4 设置模块 8
2.2.5 改善交互性模块 9
2.3 功能需求分析(时序图) 11
2.4 性能需求 11
2.5 运行环境需求 12
3 项目介绍 13
3.1 项目中所用Android特性简介 13
3.1.1 Android系统四大组件 13
3.1.2 所用其他Android特性介绍 14
3.2 项目工程目录简介 15
3.2.1 总体目录 15
3.2.2 代码目录 16
3.2.3 动态按钮样式 17
3.2.4 界面布局 18
3.2.5 菜单 18
3.2.6 设置 18
3.3 配置文件介绍 19
4 界面设计 21
4.1 主界面 21
4.2 菜单项 22
4.3 交互设计 22
4.3.1 点击按钮时的动态效果 22
4.3.2 通知栏 22 基于android平台的音乐播放器设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_15420.html