Company personnel and labor management system development
Abstract: Company personnel and labor management system was developed to solve large-scale business process management and personnel departments of modern computers. Basic information including personnel management, corporate staff management, attendance management, compensation management, user input to achieve the inquiry, statistical reports related to the business needs. Company personnel and labor management system was developed to solve large-scale business process management and personnel departments of modern computers. Basic information including personnel management, corporate staff management, attendance management, compensation management, user input to achieve the inquiry, statistical reports related to the business needs. After design and development, labor management systems company personnel basic functional modules has been achieved. Its operating functions basically in line with the user's requirements, you can achieve basic information about employees, departments, payroll, time and attendance input and statistics, and you can use the software to achieve enterprise self-management of the company's human resources function. Paper describes the design concept and program of the system and summarized.
Keywords: Personnel; Labor and capital; Check on work attendance
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1
1.3 课题简介 2
2 分析 3
2.1 系统调研 3
2.2 可行性分析 3
2.3 系统需求分析 4
2.4 数据流图DFD 6
2.5 数据字典 7
2.5.1 数据项 7
2.5.2 数据结构 8
2.6 开发环境 8
3 设计 10
3.1 系统操作流程图 10
3.2 工资计算中的算法 11
3.2.1 扣除工资计算方法 11
3.2.2 五险一金的计算方法 12
3.3 数据库设计 12
3.3.1 E-R图 13
3.3.2 关系模式 14
3.3.3 建表 15
3.3.4 数据库关系图 17
4 系统详细设计和实现 19 公司人事劳资管理系统开发+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_15463.html