摘要:VPN是英文Virtual Private Network的缩写。VPN利用公共网络基础设施,通过“隧道”技术等手段达到类似私有专网的数据安全传输。
本文针对性的介绍了SSL-VPN的基本概念与协议描述,并完整地介绍了具体实施过程中所需要的硬件环境以及软件环境。通过一系列的分析,制定出完整的实验实施方案,并针对实施方案部署实验环境:综合使用LINUX操作系统,WINDOWS 2008操作系统以及基于SSL协议的浏览器软件实现了跨不同网段间的互相访问以及数据传输,并使用多用户的策略,实现不同权限下的用户角色登陆,然后对于平台进行多次安全性测试以及性能测试,逐步改善实验成果,并进一步完善,最终结果表明此实验进展顺利。24765
SSL-based protocol Linux VPN gateway platform
Abstract: VPN is the acronym of Virtual Private Network in English. VPN makes use of the public network basic facilities through the "tunnel" technology and other means to secure transmission of data which is similar to the private network.
This article introduces targeted basic concepts and protocols description of SSL-VPN, And gives a complete description of the specific implementation process required hardware environment and software environment. By a serial of analysis,I make a complete experimental implementation of the program and deploy the experimental environment depending on the embodiments:Integrated using LINUX operating system, windows 2008 operating system and browser-based SSL protocol software to achieve the mutual access and data transmission across different network segments, using multiple user policies,and user roles to achieve different privileges under the landing, then taking platform for security testing and performance testing, and gradually improving the experimental results.finally,I further improve the final results of this experiment indicate progress.
Keywords: linux operation system;Virtual Private Network;SSL Protocol;
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1绪论 5
1.1研究背景 5
1.1.1 VPN 简介 6
1.1.2 选择SSL-VPN的原因 6
1.2研究目的及意义 7
1.3国内外研究现状 7
1.3.1 国内研究现状 7
1.3.2 国外研究现状 7
1.4 简要评述 8
2 分析客户需求及要求 9
2.1 需求分析 9
2.1.1 用户需求 9
2.1.2 应用领域及综合性分析 9
2.2 本实例分析 10
2.2.1实施成本与花销计算 10
2.2.2制定完整实施成本方案 10
3 SSL的应用与实现 11
3.1 SSL协议介绍 11
3.1.1 SSL握手协议 11
3.1.2 SSL修改密文协议 17
3.1.3 报警协议 17
3.1.4 记录协议 17
3.2 SSL-VPN实现所需技术 18
3.2.1 密码学技术 18
3.2.2 隧道技术 20
3.3 VPN使用场合 21
3.4 VPN配置步骤 21
4 SSL-VPN的具体实现 22
4.1 实现环境以及所需软件介绍 23
4.1.1 java环境 23
4.1.2 vmware虚拟机 23
4.1.3 linux操作系统 24 基于SSL协议的Linux VPN网关平台:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_18386.html