Design Based on Dreamweaver Kaifeng travel website
Abstract: With the rapid development and popularization of computer and network communication technology, Internet has become the 21st century's most important activity platform, especially in terms of travel sites promote local cultural characteristics and services, expansion of local popularity and influence, etc., has become the most convenient the way. Kaifeng City website design studies, through Flash technology, Dreamweave platform designed to meet the needs of a website to achieve presentation, providing services, online messages, user login and management capabilities tourist information and a comprehensive exposition of the website system design and production process. This paper will analyze the pre-travel sites, the overall design, the overall structure and function realization, website testing to commence.
Keywords: Website; Dreamweaver; Flash
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
引言 1
1旅游网站的前期分析 2
1.1网站的可行性分析 2
1.2 网站的需求分析 2
2旅游网站总体设计 3
2.1 网站的栏目策划 3
2.2网站结构设计规划 3
2.3网站的版面布局和色彩规划 4
2.4网站数据库设计 5
3旅游网站整体架构及功能实现 6
3.1网站布局设计实现 6
3.2网站功能模块的实现 9
4旅游网站测试 12
4.1网站运行环境 12
4.2网站页面测试 12
4.3网站功能测试 12
结束语 13
参考文献 14
附录 15
致谢 27
旅游网站在制作过程中涉及多种知识和技术,从前台的页面策划、布局、设计、编程,到后台的数据库管理系统等,[2]本文着重阐述了旅游网站制作的一般流程,以Dreamweaver CS5、Flash、photoshop、Win7平台为开发环境,设计了一个旅游网站。全文共分五部分,第一部分对网站进行了系统分析,第二部分介绍了网站制作流程及总体功能、数据库、各个功能模块的实现,第三部分进行网站整体架构及功能实现,第四部分对网站测试,第五部分进行了简单总结和展望。 基于Dreamweaver开封旅游网站的设计研究:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_23139.html