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时间:2018-12-16 19:17来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着移动互联网及科学技术的飞速发展,人们越来越想快速地、及时地购买到自己喜欢的书籍,但实体书店书籍种类繁多,人们日益繁忙,于是网上购书应运而生,成为人们购买书籍的首选渠道。图书商城系统的开发让人们可以快速轻松地购买自己喜欢的书籍,省钱省时省力。大大提高了书籍的流通率,它有着经营成本低、收益高、方便用户检索及购买、地域限制少等诸多特点。本系统采用JSP和Servlet以及Bootstrap为主要技术,实现了用户注册、商城会员登录、查看书籍、搜索图书、添加图书到购物车并支付费用等功能。本系统的最大亮点就是使用了Bootstrap框架来渲染页面,使得用户页面更加优雅美观,增强了用户体验。此外,在用户注册、用户登录等功能上使用了前后台校验,并使用Ajax技术来增强用户体验。31577
毕业论文关键词: Tomcat;图书商城;购物车;网上支付;MyEclipse
 The Design and Implementation of Online Bookstore System
Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet and science and technology, people are looking for a faster way to buy the books they like. However, the bookstores are always filled with various books, which makes Internet the method of the first choice for people to buy books, thus saving them a lot of time off their busy life. The system of online bookstores provides people with an easy and fast method to buy their desired books, which saves a lot of time and money. With its various features such as low operating cost, high profit, convenience in searching and purchasing, and few limits, online book stores increase the flow rate of books dramatically.With JSP, Servlet and Bootstrap as its main technical components, this system realizes many function, including registration of users, register of clients, searching and browsing books, ordering books and finishing payment. The biggest highlight of this system is using Bootstrap framework to embellish the users’ page, which becomes more elegant and beautiful, thus improving users’ experience. In addition, this system also applies front and back examining function in users’ registration and login, and applies Ajax to improve users’ experience.
Keywords: Tomcat; BookStore; Shopping Cart; Online Payment; MyEclipse
目 录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景目的和意义    1
1.1.1 课题背景    1
1.1.2 课题的目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 国内的研究现状    1
1.2.2 国外的研究现状    1
第2章 可行性分析    2
2.1 社会可行性    2
2.2 技术可行性    2
2.3 操作可行性    2
2.4 系统技术介绍    2
2.4.1 JDBC    2
2.4.2 JQuery    2
2.4.3 MySQL    3
2.4.4 Bootstrap    3
2.5 系统开发平台及运行环境    3
2.5.1 系统开发平台    3
2.5.2 运行环境    3
2.6 本章小结    3
第3章 需求分析    4
3.1 系统功能模块分析和概述    4
3.2 系统功能模块    4
3.3 数据库分析    6
3.3.1 概念模型设计    7
3.3.2 数据库表结构设计    8
3.4 本章小结    9
第4章 系统前台设计与实现    10
4.1 首页设计    10
4.1.1 导航栏的实现    10
4.1.2 左侧导航的实现    10
4.1.3 主题内容部分实现    10
4.2 用户模块    10 jsp+mysql网上书城系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_27789.html