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时间:2019-01-16 21:01来源:毕业论文
在My Eclipse 2014的开发环境下,使用java语言设计了一款贪吃蛇游戏。主要完成了以下几个功能:游戏界面初始化功能、玩家操作功能,更改游戏界面功能、记录最高分功能、玩家选关功能

摘要:    贪吃蛇游戏作为最被人熟知的一款益智游戏。本文在My Eclipse 2014的开发环境下,使用java语言设计了一款贪吃蛇游戏。主要完成了以下几个功能:游戏界面初始化功能、玩家操作功能,更改游戏界面功能、记录最高分功能、玩家选关功能。游戏设计的主要思想是玩家操作小蛇不停的朝食物的方向前进,直到吃掉了食物。每吃一个食物,小蛇都会长长一节,小蛇的移动的速度也会随之增快。随之而来的难度加大。重点阐释了三个算法:1.如何判断蛇是否吃到了食物:蛇身经过的坐标先由蛇头经过,判断蛇头的坐标与食物的坐标重合,若重合,则蛇身伸长一节并且速度加快。2.判断蛇在吃食物的过程中是否碰到了自身:若蛇头的坐标与某个蛇身的坐标重合,则游戏结束。3.判断随机出现的食物是否会出现在蛇身上:随机丢食物的时候,判断是否是蛇的一部分坐标,若是,则重新丢食物。本款游戏设计了更改游戏界面功能,帮助玩家自由调整游戏界面视觉效果;并且更改了每次蛇吃到食物后的速度以及刷新最高分记录,从而增加了游戏的趣性和竞技性。32847
关键词:    贪吃蛇;小游戏;java开发语言;My Eclipse;
The Design of Game Cast Snake
Abstract:     Cast Snake, which was developed by Nokia mobile phone manufacturers, is well known as a puzzle game. Under My Eclipse 2014 development environment, a kind of Cast Snake is designed by using java language in this paper. The main functions are available to initialize interface, players operating function, change the game interface, record the highest score and select starting mission. The main idea of game design is that players operate the snake toward food direction until it has eaten the food. Every time it eats the food, its body will be extend longer and followed by a faster speed of movement. Meanwhile, the difficulty will be increased. Interpretation is mainly focused on three algorithms: 1, how to judge whether the snake has eaten the food. The coordinate that the snake goes through will be firstly contacted by its head, in this process, if the coordinate of its head overlap that of food, then its body will be extended and the speed will be increased. 2, judging whether the snake in the process meets its body, it means that the game will be over. 3, estimating whether the food will be appeared in the snake. Randomly throwing food, players should judge if it a part of the coordinate that belongs to the snake, if it is, then food should be threw once again. The game is access to change its interface, help players to adjust the visual effect of game interface, change the speed of movement after the food was eaten and refresh the highest record, thus increasing its enjoyment and competitiveness.
Keywords:    Keyword1;  CastSnake;mini-games;java development language;
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    2
1.3 发展趋势和未来的市场占有    3
1.4 论文组织结构    4
2 系统开发环境的介绍与选择    5
2.1 开发工具MY ECLIPSE 介绍    5
2.2 MY SQL 数据库    5
2.3 开发工具JDK介绍    5
3 分析    6
3.1 玩家需求分析    6
3.2 所需技术分析    6
3.3 游戏各板块概要分析    7
3.3.1 游戏模块菜单    7
4 游戏详细设计    8
4.1 环境配置    8
4.2 数据库表结构设计    8 java+mysql贪吃蛇游戏的设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_29629.html