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时间:2019-03-22 22:13来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 采购管理,集成开发工具,数据存储
In today's society, as the pace of life to work overtime, whether it is work or life, there are many affairs to deal with, and for the arrangement of the transaction is reasonable, whether can have the effect of planning and arrangement is very important on the one hand. Personal goal management system can guide users to digital, form work or life direction, make each transaction to complete the specific time and specific schedule, make sure that the transaction to your plan time to finish it on time. This also let users will arrange orderly, each stage of the work shall not be forgotten that priorities be clear at a glance, get into the habit of self arrangement work.
This system USES MyEclipse integration development tools, convenient database using mysql database for data storage, programming languages use of Java language, based on WEB interface using JSP, complete a personal goal management system of B/S structure, realized the classification management of personal goals, categorizing work, study and life goals. Can add their own goals and objectives contained in specific tasks, and can be labeled for completion, eventually to form with a progress bar shows the completion of each target. The system provides users with information change and password change function, so it is convenient to maintain the user of information about yourself.
Keywords : Purchasing and supply management, integrated development tools, data storage
目  录
摘要    1
第一章 绪论    5
1.1课题背景及意义    5
1.2课题现状及发展趋势    6
1.3文章结构    7
第二章 开发环境与相关技术介绍    9
2.1浏览器展现技术JSP    9
2.2 B/S架构模式    9
2.3 SSH框架技术    10
2.4 TOMCAT简介    13
2.4 MYSQL简介    13
2.4 开发环境    14
3.1综合需求分析    15
3.2界面需求    15
第四章 系统设计与实现    16
4.1总览    16
4.2系统总体结构图    17
4.3系统各模块设计    17
4.3.1用户登录模块设计    17
4.3.2物资管理    20
4.3.3系统管理    22
4.3.4采购管理    24
4.3.5出库管理    26
4.4数据库设计    28
4.4.1数据库概念设计    28
4.4.2数据库逻辑设计    28
4.4.3数据库表设计    29
第五章 系统运行演示    32
5.1登录界面演示    32
5.2主界面演示    34 java公司食堂采购信息管理系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_31214.html