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时间:2019-05-24 21:33来源:毕业论文

摘要:本轮毕业设计选题管理系统的设计基于ASP.NET4.0的开发环境,采用了B/S模式(浏览器/服务器结构),将IIS(Internet Information Services,互联网信息服务)作为网站服务器,并通过ADO.NET数据库访问技术连接数据库。
毕业论文关键词:    信息管理;传统手工模式;网站开发;校园信息门户;ASP.NET
Graduation Design Topic Selection Management System
Abstract: This design of the Graduation Design Topic Selection Management System is based on the development environment of ASP.NET 4.0, and I adopt the B/S mode which is the structure on browser/server, select the IIS(Internet Information Services)as the Web Server, and through the database access technology of ADO.NET to connect the database.
The graduation design topic selection management system has three user modules, which include teacher, student and management. Teacher has the following functions: login the system, personal information management, release subjects, select students, view announcements and upload the project specification. Student has the following functions: login the system, personal information management, view and select topics, view announcements and upload the opening report. Administrator has the following functions: login the system, personal information management, management of the teachers and students information, subjects of audit, information announcement and etc.
Compared with the traditional way of manual mode of graduation design topic selection, graduation design topic selection management system, in a large extent, improve the efficiency of the selected topic, and can reduce the teacher workload of the employees.
Keywords:    Information management; The traditional manual mode; Website development; Campus information portal; ASP.NET
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
1.3    发展趋势    2
1.4    调研情况    2
2    分析    3
2.1    课题分析    3
2.1.1    课题的重点    3
2.1.2    课题的难点    3
2.2    系统方案分析    4
2.3    开发工具分析    4
2.3.1    开发语言的选择    5
2.3.2    数据库的选择    5
2.4    需求分析    5
2.4.1    教师模块功能    5
2.4.2    学生模块功能    7
2.4.3    管理员模块功能    8
2.4.4    登入模块功能    9
3    设计    10
3.1    前台网页设计    10
3.1.1    模板设计    10 ASP.net毕业设计选题管理系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_33714.html